Hope (pt. 1)

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okay so this first part will be a little angsty which is not something i normally do but it's for the sake of the plot 🫡 this is also a longer chapter than usual but it's okay bc i've been in and out and y'all deserve some content 😮‍💨 ig you can call this one a vent chapter idk 💀
s/n - sister's name
b/n - best friend's name
tw: emotional abuse ??

Y/n's pov
  There was a guy at my school that I really liked.  His name was Nick (a/n: i just put a random name lmao).  We've known each other since middle school but i had caught feelings for him recently.  He's good friends with me, my sister, and some of my other friends.
  I sat down with Five, s/n, and b/n.  They were my favorite people.  We were all talking until someone tapped my shoulder.  I turned and saw Nick.
  "Hey y/n, mind if i talk to you for a minute?"  Nick asked.
  "Um sure." I replied.  Everyone gave me a shocked look as I left the table.
I walked with him and we stopped nearby one of the stairs. No one was there.
"Y/n, I've had a crush on you for some time." he said, "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
I felt my heart skip a beat and my stomach doing somersaults. My crush... is asking me out??
"Yes of course!" I said and I gave him a hug.

• Time skip •

It was now one month since we started dating and I am getting ready for the homecoming dance.  I'm really excited.
  Everything in our relationship has been going well!  I haven't felt this loved in a relationship in forever.  I know it's only been a month since we've been dating, but he's the one for me, I just know it!!
  I finished getting ready and I heard a knock on the door.  Was it him??
  "Coming!" I shouted.  I walked to the door to open it.  It was Nick, Five, and (s/n's) girlfriend.  I guess they all caught a ride together.
  Our parents drove us to the dance and it was fun.  We met up with (b/n) and my other friends.  I was really happy for (b/n) because she was talking to this guy she liked and they were both having a great time.
  Nick didn't look too pleased.  He looked angry and upset.  I didn't know why though.
  "Hey what's wrong?" I asked.
  "(B/n) doesn't talk to me that much." Nick said, "Now that they both probably like each other, she won't pay as much attention to me...."
  "Oh..." I replied.  I was not expecting that.
  I heard his nose sniffling.  I turned around and saw him in tears.
  "Huh?  Why are you crying?" I asked.
  "I just want to be her friend." he replied, "I'll be right back, I'm going to the bathroom."
  He got up and left.  I was all alone.  Most of my friends were at the dance floor but Nick didn't want to go so we were here.  I looked down at my dress.
  Was I really not enough for him?  I mean, he has a date to homecoming for heavens sake!  Why was he crying about another girl, and why did it have to be my best friend?  At homecoming night as well!
  "Hey are you okay?" (S/n's) girlfriend asked me while (s/n) looked concerned, "Where's Nick?"
  "He just went to the bathroom." I said with a smile on my face.
  "Oh okay." (S/n's) girlfriend replied, "I thought he left you, I was about to defend you."
Maybe I should've told them the truth. Man this night is such a shitty night, yet it was supposed to be so great.
"Hey why do you look so down, you should be out dancing with your boyfriend." I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and it was Five.
"He doesn't want to dance." I said.
"Well that sucks." he replied and say next to me, "Is that why you look so sad?"
"No, Im just tired." I lied again.
  "Oh alright." Five replied.
  Nick sat down next to me.  Five gave me a smile and left with our friends.
  I say with him the rest of the night.  I didn't know what to say as Nick kept rambling about my best friend.  I can't believe I'm putting up with this bullshit.  I'm supposed to be having fun.
  We all left to my house when the dance was over.  Nick was being rude to all of my friends, especially (s/n) and (b/n).  Yelling at all of us and slamming my door on his way out. 
  Everyone left and I changed into comfortable clothes.  I laid in bed and cried until I fell asleep.

• Time skip •

  It's been a few weeks since the homecoming dance.  It's now the rivalry game.  Its the football game between our school and the rival school.
  Nick was still going on and on about (b/n).  I dont understand.  Why does he want her and not me?
  What does she have that I didn't?  Does he even realize how badly this affects me?  He says that friendships should be 50/50 and that (b/n) wasn't doing her part, but yet he's not even putting effort in this relationship!
  I mean yeah he does a lot of nice things for me, but he keeps bringing up (b/n).  I'm not mad at (b/n), it's obviously not her fault.  I just wonder why Nick is so fixated on her.
  Me and Nick went to get food while my friends saved our spots.  Nick started rambling about (b/n) again.
  "I just don't know what to do." he finished.  I looked at me, expecting an answer.
  "Hey everything will be okay." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.  I didn't know what to say so saying that was the best option.
  "It's not!" Nick snapped, "It won't be okay!"
  He walked off somewhere.  I assume to the bathroom or somewhere more private for him.
  Don't cry.  Don't cry.  Just because he snapped at you that doesn't mean you should cry.
  I ordered the food and went back to the seats.  Nick can find us, it'll be fine.
  Nick sat down next to me and put his head on my shoulder.  I didn't look at him.
  "I'm sorry." he apologized.  This is bullshit.
  "It's fine, I don't care." I said tiredly.  I still love him.
  Hours went by and it was time to go home.  I changed into comfortable clothes wand cried.  I have been so emotionally tired?  Why do I feel like I'm second choice?  Why has it been like this since homecoming?


okay I think that'll be it for now :O  i was gonna add more but it'll be more longer than expected so instead of 2 parts, it'll be 3 :O  I am writing pt 2 as we speak!!  Love you guys!!

- Marisol <3

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