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Description: You work as a babysitter and yall are 16 in this :)
  I walked out the house with my keys in my hand and a couple of things I needed for babysitting today.
  Today I'm babysitting for a five year old boy and a two year old girl. Babysitting isn't hard for me, after all, I do love working with kids. I love kids in general. I think it's because I know I'll probably never be capable of being a mother.
  I got in my car and looked through the glove compartment and pulled out my American Idiot CD. I love listening to Green Day before my job, let alone my favorite album by them which is American Idiot.
  My phone rang and I saw that my boyfriend Five was calling me. I playfully rolled my eyes and answered it.
  "Hello?" I said optimistically.
  "Do you have work today?" Five asked. I swear I can see him pout his lips as he says this.
  "I'm sorry Five." I said, "I do."
  "Oh okay." Five sighed in disappointment.  I don't blame him, we haven't had time for ourselves in a long time.
  "I promise we'll have time for us soon." I said truthfully, "We'll do whatever you want."
  "I just really miss you." Five said and I can picture the sadness in his eyes.
  "Me too." I said, "Maybe tomorrow."
  "Alright, I call you later." Five said.
  "I can't wait." I said and we hung up. I sighed, turned the car on and drove, all while my CD was playing.

~Time skip~

  "We'll be back tomorrow afternoon." Mrs. Willingford said, "Is that alright?"
  "Of course." I said softly.
"Feel free to have fun with the kids." Mr. Willingford said, "If you want to take them for ice cream or anything feel free, there's money on the kitchen table."
"Please Mr. Willingford, fun is my middle name." I joked, "And don't worry about the money, I can pay if I'm going to buy them something."
"Oh please, we insist." Mrs. Willingford said, "Oh and y/n dear, I know the whole deal with teen babysitters and wanting to invite their partners over while their babysitting, and I just wanted to let you know that that's okay. Feel free to invite them over, just don't cause trouble."
"Oh thank you, and you don't have to worry about that." I said as I blushed, "Have a great day then!" I said enthusiastically and waving at them.
"Thank you, you too!" they both said in unison.
"They seem like nice people." I thought as I closed the door.
"Alright!" I said as I clapped my hands together, "Let's get this party started."

~Time skip~

"Do you guys want to go for a walk?" I asked the kids.
"Yeah!" the five year old named Carlos shouted with excitement.
"Yes!" the two year old named Mari yelled and jumped.
  "Okay lets go get your shoes." I said and we went to the room where Mrs. Willingford said the shoes were kept in. I helped them put their shoes on and then I heard a familiar whoosh behind me. I couldn't help but smile.
"How did you find me." I said before turning to see my precious Five standing there.
"I have my ways." Five said while wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Was that magic?" I hear Carlos ask. I can see the excitement in his eyes.
"Yes." Five played along, "I am a magician." and bowed after he said that. I couldn't help but playfully roll my eyes.
"Well, you're in luck bub, we were just heading out for a walk, maybe you can join us." I said.
"Sounds perfect." Five said and kissed my forehead.
"Yuck!" Mari and Carlos said in unison. Oh just wait and see for when they fall in love when they're older.
I decided to carry Mari with my left arm and hold Carlos' hand with my other hand. Sorry Five.
We walked and we all of a sudden found a park. Carlos wanted to play with Mari in the park, so we went and me and Five played with them. Five was so soft around the kids, it was so adorable.
We went back home and made dinner for the kids and Five and we ate and watched A Nightmare Before Christmas. The kids are obsessed with that movie. It's adorable when Mari calls that movie Halloween ("Put Halloween!").
Mari easily knocked out towards the end of the movie. I gently carried her to her room and laid her on her bed. Once the movie was over, it was time for Carlos to go to bed too, so I took him to his room and read him a book and he soon fell asleep.
I smiled as I put the book back on the shelf and headed to the living room where Five was at. He looked over at me and smiled.
"The kids are asleep." I said and sat next to him.
"You're so great with kids." Five said as he held me hand, "Why do you doubt yourself in saying that you're going to be a bad mother when you're older?"
I looked up at him, trying not to let the tears fall out. "I don't know." I whispered, "I feel like if I have a child, I won't be good enough for them."
"Hey I'm sorry." Five said and lifted my chin up so I can look him in the eyes, "I shouldn't have asked that. I'm such a jackass."
"Hey it's okay." I said and cupped his face, "You didn't know."
He pulled me close to him and I buried my head in his chest as he rubbed circles on my back. He took my face in his hands and soon enough our lips were connected. My hands went to his shoulders as his lips kissed mine softly. We parted due to lack of air and pressed our foreheads together. I felt his hands playing with my fingers.
"It's getting late, and I'm getting tired." I yawned as Five chuckled.
We headed to the guest bedroom where Mr. Willingford said I can sleep in and we laid down on the bed. I look over next to me and I see a pout on Five lips.
"What wrong buba?" I asked as I cupped his cheek in my hand. He relaxed a little into my touch and then snaked his arms around me and pulled me on top of him, with my head buried in his chest. Basically a cuddling position.
"That's better." Five said and I smiled softly.
The night progressed with him rubbing my back and occasionally pressing soft kisses on top of my head. I softly sighed in content, so soft that you can barely hear it.
  "Baby, I know you're asleep right now but I love you so much." I hear Five whisper, "I don't ever want to let you go, I want to hold you in my arms forever."
  I slowly look up at him and he was a bit surprised that I was still awake. "I love you too." I said while leaning in.
  Our lips eventually collided and he wrapped his arms around my waist as my hands cupped his face. He broke the kiss and smiled at me with his cute dimples showing.
  "I was supposed to be asleep wasn't I?" I giggled as I traced his left dimple with my thumb.
  "Yeah." Five chuckled, "Get some some sleep baby." he said and laid a soft kiss on my forehead.
  I laid my head on his chest as Five continued to rub my back. My eyes became heavy and the last thing I remember was the feeling of Five's lips on the top of my head.

~Time skip~

I woke up and felt Five's arms still around my waist. We were still in the same position as last night. I smiled as I pressed a kiss on his lips. He tried to kiss back but he was too sleepy, which caused me to giggle.
"Good morning bub." I said while rubbing my thumb on his cheek.
  "Good morning my love." Five responded sleepily while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He leaned in and pressed a kiss on my forehead.
  "Are the kids awake?" Five asked.
  "No." I said, "The Willingfords said that when the kids wake up, they make a lot of noise."
  "That means I have you all to myself then." Five said and stroked my hair as I buried my in his chest and smiled softly.
  We stayed like that for a couple minutes and eventually we started kissing. It was soft and filled with love and passion. We broke the kiss and I buried my head in his neck. I leaned my head up a bit and placed a light peck on his jaw.

~Time skip~

"They're here." I said as I looked at Five and the kids.
I opened the door and I was immediately greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Willingford's comforting presence.
"Oh..." Mrs. Willingford started and looked at Five, "Who's this?" she asked and smirked at me.
"My boyfriend." I said and started blushing, "He was helping me take care of the kids."
"Nice to meet you." Five said then looked at me, "I'll wait for you in the car okay?" he said and I nodded. He pressed a kiss on my forehead and headed towards the door.
"Thank you for taking care of the kids." Mr. Willingford thanked me.
"Oh it's no problem." I said reaching over to get my bag.
"Here, we forgot to pay you." Mrs. Willingford said. I was about the reject the offer, but then I remembered that that's part of my job. I thank them as I took the money. It was always hard to say goodbye to the kids I babysit, but that's the way it goes.
I headed to the car to see Five in the passenger seat. I sat in the driver seat and looked at him.
"Where to?" I asked.
"You're house." Five said with a smirk on his face, "I want to cuddle with you the whole day." he said with a pout on his lips.
"Alright Five Hargreeves." I said and leaned over to peck his lips. I went started the car and headed home.
Finished!! Woo first chapter!! Sorry this took so long, my school work is piling up and I recently had a test. Anyways I hope you guys liked it!!

-Marisol <3

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