After School Date <3

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omg hey everyone!! i would like to apologize to everyone for disappearing for MONTHS and not even updating on what was happening. i had a really bad october with a shit ton of friend drama and a very traumatic experience with my grandpas dog that died. november i had a shit ton of stuff to do for band and i went to cancun for break and december i also had a shit ton of band stuff and a shit ton of finals and i saw my family for the whole break.

but now i'm back !! sorry for the rant, here is the oneshot you deserve!!


Y/n's pov

  I was sitting and trying to concentrate on what my teacher was saying.  This class is so fucking boringggg. All he does is talk talk talk, blah blah blah.
  I looked at the clock and we still had forty-five fucking minutes until the bell rang for us to go home. I am literally so tired, like i am not kidding. I just want to go home and take a nap.
I put my head down on my desk while the teacher talked on. I'm not planning on sleeping, I just need to close my eyes for a bit.

-Time skip-

I heard the bell ring and I jolted my head up. Did I fall asleep?? Did the teacher see?? Did anyone see??
Well whatever, I quickly packed up my things and left. Not going to lie, that nap was pretty great.
  I trudged to the front gate to leave. As if being tired wasn't bad enough, now I have to walk home and make myself food.  My parents came home from work later than I did which makes me a bit sad sometimes, but it's okay.
  I was surprised to see someone in particular standing in front of the gate, with some people surrounding him, waiting for me.  Five Hargreeves.  My beloved boyfriend.  I smiled at the sight of him and he seemed to notice me walking up to him.
  "What are you doing here?" I asked him, "Aren't you supposed to be at the academy? You'll get in trouble."
  Five was part of something called the Umbrella Academy.  Basically him and five of his siblings all have super powers and they fight crime and shit and they're pretty popular. His other sister Vanya doesn't have powers though, but I love her for her.  They all don't go to school since they're superheroes.  Oh and their dad is a literally asshole.
  "Yeah but let's just say that the old man is taking a nap" Five smiled as he gently took my hand.
  "Five what did you do?" I sighed and looked at him.  He's sweet and all, but some he can be a real maniac. Still love him though <3
  "Oh relax, I didn't do anything." Five said with his hands up in defense, "Allison did."
  "Allison did?" I asked giving him the 'are you lying look'.
  "Yeah im being serious!!" Five said, "He'll be out for the rest of the day."
  "Well that's great, that means you'll finally have a break." I said, kissing his nose afterwards.
  "Yeah yeah well..." Five said while scratching the back of his neck.  He can be a real mess when I give him the slightest bit of affection.
  "So what do you want to do?" I asked.
  "Whatever you want." he replied taking my hand in his once again, "But first I want hugs from you."
  "Okay okay." I giggled and he wrapped his arms around my waist as I did the same.  We stayed like that for awhile and then I finally let go to give him a small peck on the lips.
  "Hey let's go to Griddy's!!" I said.  He smiled and took my hand.
  "Let's drop off your bag first." Five said and spatial jumped to my room.
  I put it down on my chair and we walked out through the front door.  We wanted to walk to Griddy's instead of spatial jumping.
  We walked through all the busy streets, hand in loving hand.  I looked at him and smiled.  Sometimes I can't believe that I'm dating Five Hargreeves.  The famous superhero.  The one superhero that all the girls, and even some of the guys gush over, desperate that he'd give them a chance one day. But no, he's with me, and I am so lucky.
  We walked into the donut shop, and there were some students from school there.  One table sat a group of kids just talking and laughing, over at the diner seating were two girls sharing a milkshake with two straws, giving each other loving glances as they did so, another table sat two students sitting on either side of the table, one trying to study while the other student was hitting his friend in the head with a roll of paper, motivating him to study, another table sat two boys, who looked like they were in a middle of a date.
  Me and Five sat on the diner seating, a bit far from the girls so that way we weren't interrupting them.  Hey, they were literally living a Saved by the Bell moment, we gotta let them have space!!
  We ordered donuts and shakes and had the time of our lives.  Him, complementing me almost every five minutes and me being a complete tomato afterwards.  He always teases me too ugh >:(
  His eyes were one of the most gorgeous things.  No, let me rephrase that, HE was the most gorgeous thing to walk this Earth.  Honestly, it's no wonder people at my school have a crush on him, without even personally knowing him.
  We left the donut shop and Five once again, gently look my hand in his and pulled me into an empty ally way.  My back was leaning against the brick wall and he snuggled his face into my neck. I knew what he wanted.
  I wrapped my arms around him and embraced him with all my love.  I pressed occasional kisses on the top of his head while he would occasionally peck my neck with sleepy kisses, as I would whisper sweet nothings.
  "Are you tired?" I asked him.
  "A little bit." He sighed into my neck, giving me chills.
  "I'm a bit tired too." I said, "School's a bitch."
  He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist, trailing kisses up my neck.  I was a blushing mess.
  "You're blushing." Five said as he finished kissing my face.  He looked a bit flustered too.
  I smiled as he tightened his grip around my waist slightly.  I cupped his cheeks as he leaned in to kiss me.  I swear, every time he kisses me, my knees feel like they're about to give out.  He kisses me so lovingly and sweetly.
  He broke the kiss and released from my hold.  He took my hand and spatial jumped to his room.  He dragged my to his bed and plopped on top of me, laying his head on my chest.
  "Sorry but i really want to cuddle." Five whispered so his siblings won't hear him.
  "No it's okay." I said. I played with his hair a bit, until we both fell asleep.


  I walked in through the gates.  Yesterday was fun, I hope me and my boyfriend can go on dates more often.  Just thinking about him makes my heart flutter.
  "Y/n!!" i heard f/n's voice call out.  I looked at them and waved while I smiled.  I saw them run up to me, looking like I owed them an explanation.
  "Since when we're you dating Five fucking Hargreeves??" they asked, "Literally the whole grade is talking about it!!"
  Oh shit... I thought, Me and Five both agreed on a private relationship since if the people at my school found out, they would lose their shit.
  I guess people find out one way or another....


hey i hoped y'all enjoyed!! sorry for the extremely late update btw!! love you lots <33

-Marisol <33

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