First Kiss

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i promised y'all a oneshot so i'm gonna give you one. someone seriously needs to yell at me to actually make oneshots bc i feel bad for shitposting all the time 😭😭 on with the oneshot this one is kinda long


Y/n's Pov
I've never really seen the hype in kissing if I'm going to be honest. It's just you and your significant other switching slobber all over each other. I mean, little pecks on the lips? Sure. Long kissing? Gross.
Have I ever kissed anyone? No.
  Not even my boyfriend.
  My boyfriend is named Five Hargreeves.  He's part of this academy called the Umbrella Academy and him and his siblings are basically superheroes.  He's very sarcastic and a bit of a psychopath but he's my psychopath <3 Under all that sarcasm he's a very sweet guy.  He's one to care a lot for his family (and me hehe), he loves coffee, his puppy (Mr. Pennycrumb), he watched the shows and movies I like, he reads all the books and comics I like, and he's just so cute and adorable.
  Me and Five have never had our first kiss.  I wonder if he feels the same way about kissing too.  We've been together for a good three months.  We've held hands, cuddled, slept with each other (a/n: not in that way you dirty minded mfs 💀), went on dates, and meet up with one another's family.
  But not once have we kissed....
  Sure we've given each other affectionate pecks on the forehead, hand, shoulder, and neck... just not on the lips....
  Okay I'll admit, I have had times where I wanted to at least give Five a peck on the lips.  Maybe it's because I think too hard about it.  Like if I don't imagine the slobber going everywhere when kissing, then MAYBE I wouldn't be so grossed out.  I at least want to give Five a peck at some point in our relationship.  If we get to long passionate kisses, then that would be great as well.
  Maybe I just have an odd fear of kissing... maybe...

Five's pov:
  I smiled as I thought about Y/n during my training.  I nearly tripped over the step as I was running up the stairs.  Shit.
  "Focus number Five." I heard dad say from above.  I roll my eyes as I spatial jumped to the top of the stairs.
  "Hey that's not fair, Five cheated!" I heard Luther say.
  "He adapted." dad responded with his usual cold voice.
  Everyone finally made it up to the top where me, Viktor, and dad were at.  Viktor stopped the stopwatch and gave it to dad.
  "Hmmm." I heard him, "You guys have improved, but need further more improvement."
  This bitch-
  "I heard a rumor..." Allison said, "That we did a great job and you gave us the rest of the day off."
  Dad's eyes went white for a minute and he said, "I guess I will give you a day off since you've improved. But tomorrow, you shall improve even more!"
  "Allison do you realize what you've done?!" Luther whisper shouted.
  "Hey you have a day off because of me." Allison shrugged.
  Everyone went to hang out with one another.  I would go hang out with them, but I want to hang out with my girlfriend.  It's not everyday I get to see her early in the day like this.
  "Tell your gf we said hi." I heard Diego say as he went to join the others.  Wow I guess they all knew where I was going.
  Maybe I can take her on a date and get udon (a/n: sorry y'all i'm seriously craving udon rn 😭) and get some boba as well.  I'm not too into boba, but I'll drink it if it makes my Y/n happy.
  I was about to leave until I heard a voice.
  "Hey Five, question." I heard Klaus say. Oh dear lord-
  "What Klaus." I said trying not to sound irritated.  I look over and saw everyone else giggling while sitting down on the couches.
  "Have you..." Klaus started, clearly holding in his laughter, "had sex with Y/n?"
  Everyone bursted out into laughter while I just got very irritated.  We're minors for crying out loud-
  "No Klaus, we haven't even kissed yet." I said with gritted teeth.
  "Wait hold up hold up." Diego said while standing and waving his hands in front of him, "You've never kissed Y/n??"
  Oh for fucks sake-
  "No." I sighed, "And I don't want to if she isn't ready."
"Ah that's sweet." Ben said
"Kiss her tonight." Diego said.
"DIEGO!" everyone shouted.
"What I'm just stating the facts." Diego said while putting his hands up in defense.
"Don't listen to Diego." Allison said, "Just do what feels right."
"You guys have never even been in relationships, why are we having this conversation?" I asked.
"Um ouch." Klaus said.
"We're just trying to be supportive." Luther said. I hate to admit it but he was right.
"Y/n is an amazing girl." Viktor said. If she's ready tonight then do it. If not then wait another day."
"I mean, I would like to kiss her tonight, but I don't want to rush things for her or..." I paused, "for me..."
"Awww Five is nervous." Klaus cooed.
"Shut it Klaus." I said through gritted teeth.
"Okay leave Five and Y/n alone, it's their first relationship for the both of them." Viktor said.
"Thanks Viktor." I said, "Now if you will excuse me, I will now be going on a date with my lovely girlfriend." I said.
"K have funnnn!" Klaus slurred. Was he drunk off of air or did he have a secret bottle with him?
"Don't do anything stupid." Allison said.
"I won't." I rolled my eyes and spatial jumped.

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