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I made rings today (or I should say yesterday considering that it's 3am) and this gave me inspiration :D Enjoy!!
Y/n pov:

Rings were the one thing I can never leave without, fashion wise.  Most of them were made by me and they're so fun to make.  They go with every outfit I have. I wear one on almost every finger.
  Five likes them too. He occasionally plays with my rings when we're cuddling while I wear them, if that makes any sense. He was shocked when I told him that I made them.
  I sat on my bed making one for my cousin considering that they're birthday was coming up soon.  They also like rings too so I thought I should make them some.
  Five was resting his head on my lap as I made the ring.  I can see him smiling softly, his adorable dimples showing.
  I was finished the ring and reached over to put it on my nightstand for me to put in a small box later. I also put the materials there too.  I didn't want to move from the position me and Five were in.  Whenever Five lays his head on my lap or chest or buried his head in my neck, it's so adorable.
  I moved my hand to his hair and played with it calmly. I know it soothes him. I saw him smile with his eyes closed and melt to my touch, sighing softly. He looked so relaxed. I felt my other hand being softly held my his while his thumb was rubbing on my many rings that were on each finger.
"Baby?" Five asked softly.
"Yes?" I replied.
He hesitated before asking, "Can you make me a ring?" he looked up at me with an adorable pout on his lips. My heart literally melted right there on the spot.
My hand traveled from his hair to his cheek to caress it. I took my other hand and I was now cupping his face with my hands.
"Of course bub!" I said and I leaned in a little. I felt him get up from his position and eventually our lips collided. Our lips moved together softly and passionately.
I broke the kiss and ruffled his hair saying, "I'll make it right now." and he happily went back to his old position as I got started on his ring.
Five traced circles on my leg as I made his ring. I can see it in his eyes that he was excited.
"Here you go Five!" I said as I finished up and I gave it to him. He took it and put it on and admiring it on his finger.
"Now I'm hot like you!" Five said excitedly as he got up from his position and moved closer to me.
"Five, bub, you've always been hot." I giggled and pecked him on the lips. He chuckled and crawled on top of me, laying his head on my chest.
"You tired bub?" I asked as I fixed my position so that way we were both laying down on the bed, him still on top of me. He nodded his head with his eyes closed.
I took off my rings and put them on the nightstand. "Five give my your ring so you don't sleep with it." I said. He took off his ring and handed to me, and I put it on my nightstand.
I wrapped my arms around him feeling comfortable. Even though Five doesn't seem like a cuddle body, he sure is!! He's secretly a teddy bear.
"Thank you." Five mumbled into my chest, "For the ring."
"No problem." I said rubbing his back. Eventually our eyelids gave up and we drifted off into sleep.
Ahhh this is so cute!! I felt super lonely just making this imagine. I hope you guys liked it and I hope you guys are having a good day!!

-Marisol <3

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