2AM Walk (pt.2)

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oh my god you guys, this is my first chapter i's typing out with my computer :O WHATTTT????? but yeah, I decided that it might be a little easier typing chapters out by computer so here we are!!  also someone requested a part two so here we are.  hope you enjoy


Y/n's Pov

  I sat on my bed waiting for my boyfriend Five.  It has been about a year since we first met.  He saved me from a kidnapper and we've been inseparable since then.
  I got a lot of backlash from girls at school ever since word got out that we started hanging out.  A lot of them claimed that I was trying to ruin their chances of them being with Five, which was incredibly stupid because they never even had a chance with him in the first place.  All they did was look at pictures of him and call him cute.  They never made an effort to know the real him.
  Some girls would even try to befriend me, just so they can get with Five.  It was so annoying.  I stopped talking to a lot of people because of that.  I even lost some friends because they were either mad at me, or they were trying to use me.  It sucked a lot.
  Five is basically all I have at this point.  I'm not too mad about it to be honest because he's a cool guy and his siblings are fun to be around.  I lost friends at school but I'm literally friends with the Umbrella Academy!  I'm not saying that I'm better than everyone, but at least I still have people. 
  Me and Five started dating three months ago.  The backlash got even worse at school.  The girls who tried to use me, started to resent me.  All of the girls at this point hated me.  I don't understand what I did wrong though.  I swear this school has some incredibly stupid people.
  Five has been so sweet throughout this whole thing.  Sometimes I come home to flowers on my bed and desk, and he even picks me up from school from time to time.  He sometimes takes me on dates when we're both not busy. 
  We usually see each other when we go on our 2AM walk.  It's been our thing ever since we met.  Every Fridays we sneak out together and walk around.  It's nice since we both have very different and busy lives.  He's a hero that does missions and training while I'm a student that goes to school, studies, and has extra curriculars activities.  Very different, but busy lives.
  I heard a whoosh which snapped me out of my thoughts.  I looked up saw my boyfriend looking right at me.
  "Hey Five." I greeted, smile appearing on my face.
  "Hey y/n."  Five said, letting out a relaxed sigh, "You ready?"
  "Yup."  I replied.
  He took my hand and spatial jumped us outside.  He didn't let go of my hand and when I noticed, I felt my face burning.  Even if it's been three months of us dating, I still get flustered over us holding hands.
  Five noticed this and looked at me with a grin on his face.  He's fucking joking.  He always makes fun of me!
  "You're so easy to tease."  Five chuckled.
  "Leave me alone man."  I scoffed and looked anywhere but him.
  "Never <3."  Five replied.
  We walked around, hand in hand, talking about whatever we can get our minds on.  Recent missions, school activities, sibling drama, school drama, music, grades, training, classes.
  We found ourselves in front of a gas station and went inside.  The little bell dinged and we went looking around.  We ended up getting slushies and random junk food.  We paid for our stuff and sat on the curb, sitting side by side.
  We ate our snacks and I couldn't help but admire Five for a minute.  His green eyes, his neatly combed hair, his sharp jawline.  He's very pretty.  No wonder a lot of the girls have a crush on him.  Of course I know this, I'm literally dating the dude, but like... it's one of those moments where you can't help but admire someone.  In this case, it's Five.
  "What are you looking at love?"  Five asked.  I blushed a deep red from the nickname and from him noticing my admiration.
  "You of course."  I spoke honestly.
  "Am I that good looking that you need to stare at me."  Five teased and snaked a hand around my waist.  I blushed even more.
  "Yes."  I replied and quickly kissed him on the cheek.  I noticed Five's face turning a light shade of pink.  Got him.
  He turned himself to face towards me.  I looked at him curiously.  He caressed my cheek with one hand and my waist with the other.  Is he doing what I think he's doing?!  What the fuck??!!  I'm not ready!  No wait I am, but like... AHHH I'M FREAKING THE FUCK OUT RIGHT NOW!!
  He leaned closer and kissed my lips.  It wasn't a long kiss, but it wasn't like a peck.  Does that make any sense???  I don't know man, I just had my first kiss and I'm flipping out!
  I blushed a deep red again and smiled at him.  He smiled back.  I placed my hands on his shoulders and pulled him closer to kiss him again.  He followed suit and our lips met again.  It was like the same kiss as before.
  We pulled away and looked away from each other, trying to hide our flushed faces.  Giggles and chuckles escapes the lips we just kissed.  I looked at him and see him turn to face me.  I took his hands in mine and placed my forehead on his. 
  "Why did you feel the need to do that?"  I jokingly asked.
  "You were the one staring and teasing me."  Five said.
  "Nuh uh."  I replied, "Staring yes, but you caught on and started teasing me."
  "Okay but you started it love."  Five states.  He connected our lips again for a quick kiss and pulled away to look at me.
  "I love it when you do that."  I said.
  "Me too."  Five replied.  He stood up on his feet, and helped me up.  Once I got on my feet, he pulled me into another kiss. 
  He kissed me with more passion and I kissed him back with the same amount of love.  He placed his hands around my waist and I placed my hands around his shoulders.  How many kisses per day am I going to get from this guy?!  Not that I'm complaining of course.
  We pulled apart and looked at each other.  We smiled as he pulled me into a hug that I didn't hesitate to return.  He was so warm and it almost felt like I can physically feel his love for me.
  "I love you."  I mumbled into his chest.  Oh my god.  Did I just say that out loud??
  I pulled away a little, enough to see my boyfriend's face, but still in his loving arms.  He smiled and kissed my forehead.
  "I love you too."  He said.


AHHHHH I felt so lonely writing this :(  I would like to apologize for the long update, I had sm going on like college orientation and picking out my classes, etc etc.  I hope everyone is doing okay, I love you guys so so so so so so so much.

- Marisol <3

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