Hope (pt. 3)

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the last part 😨😨😨 hope you guys enjoy <33


Five's pov
I've had a crush on (y/n) for as long as I can remember. Probably since middle school. No. I don't have a crush on her.... I'm in love with her.
How can anyone not love her? She's super kind and considerate, she's the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen, her smile is bright enough to light this dark world, she's just... perfect.
But unfortunately, she's with someone else. Someone who I assume isn't good enough for her.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to tell her who she should date.... However....
I've been worried about her lately.... She recently came by my doorstep in tears. More than that. Her mascara was all smeared, her eyes that used to have so much light in them, were all red and puffy, and her beautiful face was red.
Not only that.... I don't think she knows that I noticed it, but....
Her whole wrist was red....
I'm not one to make assumptions, but I know her pain, was all his doing. He must have held her wrist so tightly, and hurt her emotionally. I hate him.
What possible reason can he have that would justify this?!
After that day everything was fine. I'm worried about her. I know there's something horrible going on. I wonder why she keeps going back to him.
I'm not going to try to win her over. However, I will continue to be the shoulder she cries on. I'll continue to be there for her. No matter what.

(Y/n)'s pov
I broke up with Nick once school started up again. He hates me now. He also acts like I did him wrong.
He told his friends that I never cared about him and that I dated him to so I can have a boyfriend.
  Everywhere I go, it feels like everyone is staring at me.  It feels like I'm not seen as '(y/n)' anymore and I'm seen as 'Nick's ex girlfriend.'  I hate it so much.
  My sister and friends have been a huge support though.  It feels nice.  By the time March came around, I finally felt like I've found my new and improved self.
  The stuff that Nick has done still affects me.  There are days where I cry because of him.  It makes me think that I'll never find anyone.  That whoever I'll date is just going to date me as a release or as a replacement.
  My feelings for Five never went away.  Ever since I broke up with Nick, my feelings have gotten stronger and stronger.  I know I can't rush to date him, I need to take the time to fully heal.
  His existence itself was enough to keep me going.  He gave me hope without even trying.  Being with him just gives me the hope that my life will get better and that he will always be there for me.  So much hope I get from one person.
  May came around and I was doing my homework in the library.  I felt someone's presence in front of me.  I looked up to see that it was Five.  My heart skipped a beat.
  "Hey Cinco." I greeted.  He took a seat in front of me.
  "Hey (y/n)." he replied.
  "So what brings you here?" I asked.
  "What I can't stay here with my friend and keep her company?"
  "Okay okay, you win."
  There was silence.  I continued doing my work until....
  "Hey (y/n)." Five started.
  "How are you doing?" he asked, "Ever since that situation?"
  "I actually feel way better." I answered, "I feel so free.  That I can do anything."
  "In that case..." he started.  I looked up and saw that he buried himself in his arms, both his head and his arms resting on the table.  Why was he putting his head down?
  He brought his head up.... His cheeks tinted with pink.
  "Do you... wanna go on a date with me?" he asked.
  What... the fuck....
  Five Hargreeves... the prettiest guy in this school... was asking me on a date??
  I smiled as my cheeks heated up.  I was probably blushing more than he was.
  "Yeah..." I said, "I'd like that a lot...."
  "Great." he said, softness in his voice.  He told me all the details of where to go and at what time.
  He left after awhile and I put my head down on the table, my cheeks heating up again.  I can't believe Five asked me out on a date....

• Time skip •

  I was currently getting ready for my date with Five. (S/n), her girlfriend, and (b/n) were currently rummaging through my closet to pick out my outfit.
"I swear you guys are more anxious than I am." I joked as I finished changing into the outfit they chose for me. It wasn't anything too fancy, it was a nice top with some jeans.
"We're just really happy for you!" (S/n)'s girlfriend said.
"Yeah I mean, Five is a very attractive guy!" (B/n) said.
"Not only that, but you seem happier with him." (S/n) said, "You've been suffering for awhile and he just makes you happy."
  I smiled.  They were right.
  I finished getting ready and I headed over to Five's house.  He spatial jumped us to this abandoned bridge and he had a picnic set up for us.
  An abandoned bridge may not be the most romantic place to have a date but...
  It was where we met...

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