Blood Drive

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I got inspiration bc I participated in the blood drive 2 days ago... I have no regrets and I'm glad I saved a life :))

tw: mentions of blood (for obvious reasons)


Y/n's pov
  My school was hosting a blood drive today.  I decided to participate because why not? Saving a life and skipping a few classes seem pretty good to me.
I haven't told my boyfriend, Five about it yet. He doesn't even go to school, he's part of this thing called the umbrella academy. We met when I was walking around in the middle of the night and he had snuck out with his siblings too.
I didn't have time to tell him since he's always busy with academy stuff. I'm not mad though, I knew what I was signing up for when I started dating Five. I know things are busy for him because his dad is a maniac who has no concept of fun.
I lay down in bed, resting my body. I donated about a pint of blood today and I was still pretty lightheaded. My arm was kinda sore too since that needle was in my arm for awhile.

Five's pov
Thank god for Allison's rumoring power. Because of this, she rumored good old dad to give us a day off. Now I can go see my girlfriend today. Maybe I can get her something as well.
I went to my room, grabbed some money from under my bed, and spatial jumped to Griddy's. Y/n always liked sweets so I'll get them donuts and a shake as well. I also got water because y/n always drinks water after eating something sweet.
I spatial jumped to my lovely girlfriend's room to see her lying in bed, clearly drained.
"Hey honey..." I said softly, making sure I didn't overwhelm her. That face says it all, it looks like she went through hell and back. Still looks beautiful though <33
"Hey..." y/n said sleepily. Has she not slept yet?
"What's wrong hun?" I asked, sitting at the edge of her bed.
"I donated blood today and I'm exhausted." she said. She's so kind to this world. Of all things she could've learned in school today, she chose to skip it to save someone's life.
"Awww thats so sweet of you." I said, "Here look, you need to eat, so here are some donuts, a shake, and some water." I said giving the stuff to her.
"Oh my god, Fiveyyyy~" she squealed seeing all the treats handed to her, "You're the best boyfriend everrrr."
"Hm I know." I chuckled and sat next to her on the bed. I kissed her temple as her was eating the food. She's so adorable.
She finished eating and yawned. She leaned her head on my shoulder, snuggling her head in my neck, while holding my hand with her warm ones. I blushed as all of this was happening.
"Fivey?" y/n mumbled into my neck.
"Hm?" I hummed in response.
"I'm getting sleepy~"
  "Get some rest love." I responded gently. 
  We shift our position so that I was now lying down on y/n's bed with her laying on top of me, with her head snuggling into my chest.
  Not long after, she fell asleep.  She looked peaceful in her sleep.  It's like she has a never ending beauty.
  I yawned as I wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep soon afterwards


ahhh omg i was supposed to publish this yesterday but i knocked out as i was typing it 😭😭 my bad yall 😭😭 anyways i hope you enjoyed this one <33

- marisol <33

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