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Hey sorry for not updating for quite awhile. I've been in pain since June and I had to get surgery on Monday bc of it. I'm in the process of recovering. Plus i had started school last week (I'm not going to school this week due to recovering). Anyways, here's the new imagine <33


Y/n's pov

  I trudged my way up the stairs to my room tiredly.  School was not it today. Too much drama... too much work... too tired to deal with it all.
  I opened the door to my room and saw my boyfriend Five laying on my bed. I smiled as I immediately felt comforted, despite the fact that all Five was doing was just breathing.
  "You seem happy to see me." Five said genuinely and I nodded.
  I made my way over to the bed and just flopped onto it, my face onto the pillow. All I wanted to do was take a nap. I was too exhausted, despite the fact that Five was here with me.
  "Y/n?" Five said with a concerned tone as I groaned into the pillow, "Are you okay? What wrong?"
  I looked up from the pillow and looked at Five, "Nothing, I'm just really tired." I said truthfully.
  He nodded and pulled me closer to him and my head was buried into his chest as his arms were wrapped around my waist. This is what I needed.
  "Why don't you take a nap?" he asked. I nodded as I started to feel myself fall asleep.


Sorry that it's shorter than usual. I haven't had enough energy to do much since the surgery. I'm completely drained rn. I'll try to update rn that I'm not going to school, but I can't promise a new imagine bc recovering is draining my energy more than I thought it would. I'm really tired. I've been having trouble sleeping bc of the pain, and recovering from the surgery is making me mentally exhausted and it's making me emotional most of the time. Again, I'm really sorry.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the imagine <33 Sorry for ranting earlier, I'm just really tired


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