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guys i am SO SORRY about the lack of actual chapters literally the last time i actually did a oneshot was about a little more than 2 months ago 😭😭 on with the chapter now :)) also this is gonna be like a band au or something idk how to describe it


Five's pov
  I play euphonium for my school's concert band.  I never even wanted to be in band in the first place but dad was all like *insert Reginald's voice* "You must be part of an activity! Otherwise how can you say that you have skill?!"
  But now that I'm actually in band though, it's not bad at all.  Vanya told me about the many different band options and I chose marching band and concert band.  Vanya is in orchestra and plays violin.
Other than band, I also do a lot of things besides being part of an academy where we fight off villains. I'm also do archery, play chess at school, play cards at school, and in some math program at school. Those equations for time traveling made me better than every math nerd walking in this school.
I do all these things (except fighting of villains) with the one person I appreciate....
  I don't regret joining band. Everyone there is cool, and not the stereotypical band kid people make them seem.  Band is also how I met my girlfriend, y/n.
  Y/n is a very smart, kind, pretty girl.  She does all these clubs and programs with me because she likes trying stuff out.  She's very dedicated to them too, just as much as she is with our relationship. She's always helping everyone around her, whether it's helping people with their music, or giving a homeless person her leftover food.  She's so sweet, she always gives the homeless her leftovers, and she won't take no for an answer.  Every weekend she'll even make them soup or something.
  My girlfriend is just... so much better than everyone else's girlfriend.  She's the reason why i haven't time traveled yet.

•Time skip•

  The bell for 2nd period rang.  I walked outside and was hit with the cold air.  It's Wednesday today so that means we have sectionals today.  This time though, we won't be in our own section, today will be more like a brass/woodwind sectional type of thing.
  I swear to god if we play outside today, I will lose it-


  We're playing outside today...

  I couldn't believe it.  It's freezing outside and we're playing outside?? The woodwinds are inside the warm band room while we have to play outside in the cold?? I don't think so.  Why can't we just play inside the percussion room??
  I walked inside the locker room and went to unlock my instrument locker and get my instrument.  I was getting ready to get my music folder until I felt a pair of warm arms around me and someone's head leaning on my back. I smiled.
  "Hey~" I said peacefully.  Having her around just brings me peace.
  "Hey." y/n mumbled into my back.  She seemed a bit off.
  "What's wrong?" I asked, concern filling my voice.
  "Nothing just tired..." y/n said, "and cold."
  "Tell me about it." I said. I turned around and was now facing her, and she was looking up at me. Cute...
  She gave me a quick peck on the lips before heading over to her locker to get her french horn.  With one hand holding my instrument and the other holding my folder (same with her), we headed off to where we had to meet.

  The sectional was getting started and I was a bit cold. We had to play in arcs, so y/n was across from me.  As the teacher was talking, I can see her trying to warm up her own hands.
  Her hands... I want to hold them....
  I've never held hands with her before.  We've only been dating for about a month and a half, and I still haven't held her hands.  I don't know why but I've always been scared of hand holding until I started dating y/n.  The thing is though, I've been so nervous trying to hold her hand that I just haven't done it at all.  Yeah, I've kissed her before, but I never knew why kissing her was much simpler than trying to hold her hand (for me at least).  I will never understand that part of me....
  But now I just want to hold them.... warm them up.... I just want to hold onto them and never let go....

•Time skip•

  Class was over and now we had break.  Me and y/n packed up our instruments, put them in our lockers, and locked them.  As we were walking outside the locker room, I took a quick glance at her hand next to me before I went and took hold of it.  I could feel myself turn red, while I looked over at y/n and she was looking other way, clearly blushing.
  I stopped walking and so did she. I looked at her and she looked at me too.  She was still blushing as she was looking at me.
  I took her other hand in mine and now both of her hands were being warmed up my mine.  I leaned in and pressed my forehead against hers.
  "Your hands..." I said, "Sorry I never held them... they're nice..."
  "Oh Fivey...." She said, as I smiled at the nickname and her voice, "You don't need to apologize, it's okay."
  She let go of one of my hands and cupped my face with it.  She leaned in and kissed me blissfully.
  I broke the kiss and we continued walking hand in loving hand.  For the rest of the day, and so forth, I could t stop holding her hands. They were so soft and delicate that i wanted to cry.
  I will definitely hold her hand from now on...


Thanks for reading !! Hope you enjoyed <33

- Marisol

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