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Every oneshot book has to have a oneshot where someone is sick :O anyways in this one, the hargreeves don't have strict rules or whatever :)) enjoy!!


Y/n's pov:
I woke up feeling groggier than I felt last night. Great.
My nose was runny, my throat was sore, I could feel a headache come on, and I just overall felt physically weak. I didn't even feel like eating.
I just laid there in bed, hoping I can magically feel better. There's no point. I had to miss school today, I was feeling so exhausted. I turned to my side and closed my eyes. I'll take a nap and maybe I'll show up to school late if I even get better.

Five's pov:
I say down in my desk and looked next to me. Hm that's odd, Y/n is usually here before I am. Is everything alright with her?
I wish she would've told me what was going on though. I'm her boyfriend for crying out loud. It's okay, maybe she just didn't have time?? Maybe it was urgent??

•Time Skip•

It's break and Y/n still isn't here. I was getting worried. Next thing you know it's going to be lunch and she wasn't going to be here.
I decided to leave her a text.

Hey are you okay ? You have showed up yet.
Text me when you can
Love you <3

I hope she replies. I miss her, I'm girlfriend deprived right now.
Then I heard a notification from my phone and I eagerly checked my phone.
It was Klaus....

Hey do you have any cash?
I want sweet tea lol

Now was not the perfect timing
But no I don't have any
Bring your own money for once

•Time Skip•

Y/n finally texted me saying that she was sick and needed to stay home.
I need to go to her house after school. A good boyfriend has to take care of their girlfriend when they are sick.
  The bell rang and I spatial jumped to the store.  I grabbed a few necessary things and paid.  I spatial jumped to Y/n's house and put the stuff on the table.  I ran up the stairs and into Y/n's room.
  She was on her bed, laying on her stomach, with her hair all over the place, sleeping.  She's so adorable.  I'll make her soup for when she wakes up.
  I made her the soup with the stuff I bought from the store.  I also made her favorite dessert in case she was craving it.  I went up to her room to see her waking up.
  "Fivey?" Y/n said groggily.
  "Hey love." I said and sat beside her on her bed, "How are you feeling?" I asked as I tucked a strand of hair behind her ears.
  "Hungry." she replied.  I let out a chuckle.
  "I made you soup." I said as I went downstairs to grab a bowl of soup, a plate with the dessert, and medicine.  I spatial jumped to her room and lay all the stuff on her bedside table. She smiled at me.
"Thanks Five." She said softly with a smile on her face.
  She ate everything and took the medicine afterwards.  We lay on her bed cuddling, even though she insisted on not doing so since I'll get sick, but I don't care.  I want to be there for Y/n.
  I looked over at her and saw her fast asleep in my arms.  I smiled at her as I pressed my lips on her forehead, giving her a kiss.  I swear, I saw her smile in her sleep after I did that.


YASSSS FINISHED :D im still freaking out about the posters fjsjdnsmfkskfjs i'm just so happy about it rn

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