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So idk if y'all heard, but the movie Antrum is kind of trending on TikTok. It's a horror movie and supposedly it cursed. Me and my friends tried to watch it by streaming it through discord (I had the movie on my phone) but we got scared as soon as the movie started. It was so fucking disturbing. We didn't even watch a quarter of it- plus I'm a horror fan so it even surprised my friends that I got a bit scared.

Anyways this gave me an idea of a one shot so yay!! I hope you enjoy!!

Also there will be mentions of death so here's a trigger warning for that


Y/n's pov:
Me and my boyfriend Five were watching the movie Antrum in my living room. Supposedly that movie was cursed and that you can supposedly die from watching it, but me and Five didn't believe that. I'm a huge horror movie fan, so horror movies don't scare me too much. Of course I would watch it.
But this movie was scaring me shitless. It was already disturbing when it just started. There was even a fucking legal notice saying that you can possibly die from watching the film and then a fucking countdown starting from 30, warning the viewers when it was going to start. My mind was asking me what the fuck was I watching, but I kept watching anyways.
A jump scare happened and both me and Five flinched. We look at each other and hold each other close. The movie was getting scarier and scarier.
The movie ended with both me and Five shaking in fear. I have a high ass ego when it comes to horror movies so I tried to brush it off.
"Pfft that movie was nothing." I scoffed, and got up from the couch. I was obviously lying.
I held out my hand and he took it. We made our way upstairs and stopped in front of my room.
  "Are you sure you're okay?" Five asked.
  "Yeah." I lied, "That movie was nothing."
  "Are you sure because you were shaking in my arms during the movie." Five pointed out.
  "Pfft yeah right." I scoffed jokingly, "You were the one shaking in my arms."
  "I guess we were both shaking then." Five smirked.  Damn it, he probably knows I'm lying.
  "Are you scared y/n?" Five asked.
  "No." I lied.
  "Same here." Five said, "That movie was nothing."  I could tell that he was lying.
  "Alright, goodnight Five." I said as he took me in his arms.
  "Goodnight y/n." he said as he pressed a kiss on the top of my head.
  I blushed as I made my way to my room and Five made his way to the guest room, which was next to my room.  I laid down on my bed and stayed there under my blankets wide awake as the most horrifying scenes from the movie replayed in my head.  I regret watching that movie....
  I heard a knock on my door and instantly went under my blankets.  It was a childish thing to do, but I was scared.
  I heard the door open slowly and I was about to cry.  I wanted to scream but I was petrified.  Was this how the movie kills you??
  Then I felt the bed dip a little. "Y/n?" I heard a familiar voice whisper softly.
  Not knowing whether to believe if the voice was real or not, I slowly poked my head out from the covers.  My eyes adjusted to the dark and I saw Five.
  "Y/n are you okay?" Five asked, "You're shaking."
  "Yeah I'm fine." I said, "You just scared me, that's all,"
  "Can I stay here?" Five asked, "If I'm going to be honest, that movie scared me."
  "Me too." I said, "That movie was disturbing."
  I moved over to make room for Five to lay down next to me.  I snuggled my head into his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
  "Goodnight Five." I mumbled.
  "Goodnight." Five said, "I won't let anything happen to you."
  The last thing I remember before going to sleep was him pressing a kiss on my forehead.


Yay I updated!! Sorry for that month long hiatus.  I'll try to update this book as much as possible!! Sorry I kept y'all waiting.

-Marisol <3

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