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Hi!! Finals is finally over!! Well I had no school yesterday because they usually do that when finals is over, I just wanted to relax yesterday. I keep forgetting that it's Saturday and not Sunday bc the day off just threw me off lmao. Anyways, hope you enjoy!!
Tw // blood mention
(S1/n: sibling 1 name)
(S2/n: sibling 2 name)
Y/n pov:
  I didn't choose this life I was living in right now. Let me explain.
  My dad is a normal human being that fell in love with a vampire, which is my mom. Then they had me... who's also a vampire. My siblings aren't vampires so I'm the only vampire child.
  I can't live my life like my siblings. I can't go out during the daytime which means I can't go to school. I mean, I guess that's fine. My dad already taught me everything I need to know so that way I'm not lost in the world.
  My mom does night shifts at her work.  While she does that, I usually walk around the city. There's always a lot of creeps, but I'm not afraid.
My alarm clock went off, meaning that it was nighttime. I smiled as I opened the curtains. I was already awake, it's just that I also have an alarm to tell me when I can come out of my house. I took a look out the city and smiled to myself. I think I'll just walk and let myself wonder.
I went to my closet to pick out something to wear. Once I got ready, I went downstairs for something to drink.
  "Hi y/n!" S1/n said.
  "Hi." I said.
  "Where are you off to?" S1/n asked.
  "Out." I said.
  "Oh." S1/n said.
  I always felt different from my siblings. Pretty self explanatory. My other sibling treats me like garbage because of it.
  I opened a refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of blood. I took a sip from it and sighed in content.

Five's pov:
  I saw the girl across the street from me walk out of her house. She caught my eye a month ago.
  She never gets out of her house. Only at night. She doesn't go to school like other kids. Her skin is pale white and her lips are blood red. She always comes out of the house with a bottle of red liquid in her hands. Probably a sugary drink or something.
  Before she can walk any further from her house, I spatial jumped outside. I didn't give a shit about what dad might say when I came back. I wanted to meet this girl. She seemed interesting.

Y/n pov:
  I continued walking to wherever I pleased. I took occasional sips from the bottle of blood I had.
  "What's a girl like you doing out all alone in the nighttime?" I heard a guy speak. I turned around slightly to see a guy leaning on a lamppost a little bit in front of me. He was a very handsome boy. He had dark hair, a very sharp jawline, green eyes, and was wearing what looked like a school uniform, like an academy. I swear he wasn't there before. Nor did I think that I saw him walking.
  "None of your business." I said and kept walking.
  "What is that that you're drinking?" the boy asked.
  "It's fruit punch." I replied, "Now leave me alone or else your going to get it."
  "Okay look, I don't know who you are, but you interest me." he said.
  "You don't even know me." I scoffed.
  "I live right across the street from you." he said and walked towards me, "You never come out of the house at all. Not even for school. You only come out at night and you always come out of this house with that drink in your hand." he finished and pointed at the blood I had in my hand.
  "Look kid," I started, "the only thing I can tell you is that I'm a special kid." I finished as I tried to walk away.
  "Me too." the boy said.
  "Really?" I said quite unsure, "Prove it."
  "Alright." he said confidently. In a flash of blue light he disappeared with a whoosh.
"What the hell." I whispered as I heard a whoosh behind me. I turned around and he was standing there.
  "Am I special yet?" the boy asked.
  "What's your name?" I asked, "Then I'll tell you about me."
  "The name is Five." the boy introduced, "Five Hargreeves."
  "You're name is a number?" I asked.
  "Yes." Five said, "My dad is an asshole. What's your name?"
  "My name is y/n." I said, "Y/n l/n."
  "Nice name." Five said, "Now tell me about yourself."
  I opened my mouth for him to see my teeth. He took a look at my teeth and focused on them.
  "You have fangs..." Five said as he was putting the pieces together, "You're a vampire."
  "Yup." I said.
"And that's blood." Five said as he pointed at the bottle. I nodded my head.
  "Intriguing." Five said, "Tell me more."
  "Let's sit somewhere." I said, "We can talk there. I know a place."
  We started walking to wherever I wanted us to go. We arrived at an abandoned bridge. It's still stable, it's just abandoned.
I sat down on the ledge, with my legs dangling off the edge. I looked at Five and motioned him to sit next to me. He came over and sat next to me.
"Do you still want me to tell you?" I asked and Five nodded.
"My mom got bit by a vampire when she was a young girl." I started, "She grew up as a vampire, just like me. Then she met my dad when they were like twenty years old on this very bridge. I guess that explains why I like spending time here by myself. Anyways, they got married and they had me. A vampire." I finished. I turned to face Five and looked at him, "So what about you?" I asked and he looked at me, "What's your story?" I asked.
  Five sighed and looked down before he began. "On October 1st, 1989 forty three children were born unexpectedly. None of the women that gave birth to us were pregnant to begin with." Five began, "Then my dad managed to track down seven of the forty three children and he adopted those seven. We all have superpowers. Well, all except one. My other sister doesn't have powers. My dad trained me and my other Five siblings to be superheroes." Five finished.
  "Wow." I said, "Who are your siblings?"
  "Number one is named Luther. He has super strength." Five started, "Number two is Diego and he can control whatever is being thrown at, and can throw knives perfectly. Number three is Allison, she can rumor anyone to do anything. Number four is Klaus, he can communicate with the dead. Number Five is me, and I can travel through space and time. Number six is Ben, tentacles can come out of him. Number seven is Vanya, she has no powers. She's still special though."
  "So I guess we both have some pretty weird stories huh?" I asked taking a sip of the blood I had.
  "Yup." Five said and pressed his lips together.
  I looked at my watch and it was four in the morning. I should probably go back home soon.
  "Five maybe we should head back." I said, "You probably have to train and I have to get back home soon."
  "Sure, let's go." Five said. He took out his hand for me to take. I took his hand and the next second we were in front of his house.
  "Thanks Five." I said.
  "We should hang out more often." Five said and smirked, his dimples showing.
  "We should." I said and smiled. I looked down and blushed at the thought of us hanging out again.
  "I should go." I said, "I don't want to burn."
  "I understand." Five said.
  "Bye Five." I said. I leaned in and quickly kissed his cheek and ran into my house. I looked through the peephole and saw Five standing there shocked and smirking to himself. I sighed as I walked up the stairs, still not believing what I just did.
Finished!! I've been very obsessed with vampires lately so I thought I should make a vampire imagine. Hope you guys enjoyed!!

-Marisol <3

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