happy little rant :))

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hey guys so i've been thinking :O

so i've been writing this oneshot book for about a good 2.5 years

dw im not gonna end it yet


i've always had a passion for writing and this oneshot book has made me love it even more (even though i disappear sometimes)

even though my dream is to be a speech pathologist, i'm thinking why not i do writing on the side

like imagine how many cool stories i can publish

i've already gotten started on one of them

and i feel like you guys have made a huge impact on this passion

i never knew how good at writing i was until i got comments saying how amazing my writing is

writing slowly became more and more fun

and i know for a fact that you guys would probably read my work if i ever published something

i'm thinking of like doing novels and like doing a comic version of that novel too so i need to learn how to draw too

i thought of this bc some ppl would prefer to read novels, and some ppl would prefer to read comics

now if i did both but with the same story....

what do i get....

a bigger audience :O


now i'm not doing this bc of audience no no

that was like a 2nd thought

i just wanna get back into drawing 🤷‍♀️

plus i'm very stubborn when it comes to stuff i'm determined in so if i say i'm doing this, then i'm gonna fucking do it


i just wanted to share <3

bc you guys were the ones who greatened my passion for writing

and i want to thank you guys <3


103K READS ????



when i first started this book i didn't think anyone would read it but here i am now :D

i'm so thankful for everyone who has read this book literally thank you so so so much <3

i hope everyone is doing well, a oneshot is currently in the works rn :))

have a great day, afternoon, or night <3 !!

- Marisol <3

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