Motorcycles and Caves

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the oneshot you have been waiting for :D sorry for the long wait, i hope you enjoy !!
also the siblings live in a nonstrict household for this one!! and y'all are 17 in this :))


Y/n's Pov:
I walked home from school alone today. I always find it relaxing to walk home by myself sometimes.  It's refreshing.
  I walked upstairs and inside to my room and just laid down.  I was scrolling on my phone for a bit until I heard a knock on my sliding door.  I smiled as I saw my childhood crush, Five Hargreeves, standing on my balcony with a nervous smile on his face.  It looked as if he was flustered.
  I smiled as I made my way to the door, and opened it.  I stepped out into the balcony where Five was standing.
  "Hey." I said softly.
  "Hey." He replied, softly as well.
  He looked down at his feet, and mumbled something.  I couldn't hear him because I'm deaf as fuck.
  "What was that?" I asked him, "Sorry I couldn't hear you."
  "Do you want to go to the little cave with me?" Five said.
  There was a little cave somewhere in one of the parks, where me, Five, and his siblings went to a lot growing up.  It was our favorite thing to do at night, especially because the stars were magnificent and you can hear the creak.  It was so relaxing.
  "Of course!" I asnwered, "It'll be so fun! Ben is bringing s'mores right?"
  "Actually..." Five said, "I was wondering if we can go... just us..."
  I gasped.  Five Hargreeves.... my childhood crush.... famous member of the Umbrella Academy.... was asking me out on a date!!
  "Is Five Hargreeves asking me out on a date?" I teased.
  "So do you want to go or not?" Five asked, clearly embarrassed.
  "So it IS a date!" I exclaimed, "Of course!!"
  "Tonight at 8 okay?" Five said and then spatial jumped away.  He was very flustered.

• Time Skip •

  The final bits of the sun finally settled, as I was finishing up with getting ready.  I sighed as I saw how pretty I looked in the mirror.  I was so nervous.
  I heard a roaring of a motorcycle too close to my house so I went outside on my balcony, and saw Five Hargreeves, looking up at me, on a fucking motorcycle.
  "You ready?" Five asked loud enough for me to hear.
  "Yeah!" I said as I hurriedly went down the stairs.  I didn't know Five can drive a motorcycle....
  I got on the motorcycle and held onto Five for dear life. I felt the cold breeze hit my body as Five drive faster and faster.... I forgot to bring a sweater....
We made it up to near the cave, and Five parked his bike. He helped me off and he noticed how cold I was.
"Y/n..." he started, "You're body is really cold..."
He took off his blazer and put it around my shoulders and then wrapped his arms around me. I instantly felt warmer, but maybe that's because of how flustered I am at the moment.
"You feel a bit warmer?" he asked, resting his chin on the top of my head.
"Mhm." I nodded.
  We headed over to the cave, with Five's arm around me, keeping a bit of warmth from earlier.
I'm sure he's just doing this because he doesn't want me to be cold. Well obviously, but it would be nice if he liked me in that way.
We arrived and I saw that he set up a whole picnic for us.  He's so sweet!  I saw blankets laid out, a folded blanket, a basket, and a bonfire ready for us.  I smiled at the sight.  I needed this so much.
  We sat down on the blankets and Five unfolded the folded blanket and wrapped it around us.  I smiled at him and laid my head on his shoulder.  He leaned his his on my head and wrapped his arm around my waist.

  Time flew by and me and Five were still in the same position.  We ate s'mores and peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches.  We started being nostalgic and talked about funny memories we shared in the past.
  "Remember when Luther got us kicked out of the bowling alley?!" Five laughed.
  "Oh my god." I spat out in laughter, "He threw the ball too hard and practically broke the whole lane!"
  We let our laughter die out and we sighed at the end.  We sat in comfortable silence as we heard the fire cackling. 
  "You know Y/n..." Five started, "I think it's time I tell you..."
  "Hmm?" I responded and looked up at him.
  "I've had a crush on you for as long as I can remember..." Five started, "It's okay if you don't feel the same but..."
  "Shhh Five." I interrupted, "I.... I like you too..."
  We sat in comfortable silence.  I felt Five hold me tighter and press a quick kiss on my temple.  I smiled as I closed my eyes.

• Time Skip •

  "Y/n." I heard a familiar voice whisper.
  "Hm?" I opened my eyes and saw it was daylight.
  "Good morning." Five said.
  "Good morning." I responded, "Did we fall asleep here?"
  "Yeah." Five said, "Here let's get you home."
  We packed up all of our things and headed towards his motorcycle.  He somehow got the things to not fall out, and we got on the bike.  I held onto his as he drove us home, placing a kiss on his back as he drove.


ugh i didn't know how to end this chapter so this is what we're getting :)) I CANT WAIT FOR S3 IT COMES OUT IN LIKE 15 MINUTES 😭😭 IM LIKE NOT PREPARED DJSJDJAJDKS I JUST CANT BELIEVE ITS FINALLY COMING BACK!!

i'm not going to talk about s3 until i'm done with it, but i'll make sure to put a spoiler warning.  hope everyone enjoys s3 :)) !!

- Marisol <33

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