2AM Walk

406 9 7

  Finally updating 😭😭 sorry for the wait, im trying to finish off my senior year strong and i'm stressing tf out bc i find out if i get housing for college later today 😭😭😭 gonna manifest that i get housing bc i seriously want to dorm 😭😭😭
anyways, enjoy the chapter <33


Y/n's Pov
  I couldn't sleep.  Today was just one of those nights where i just could not go to sleep.  I turned over to my bedside table to grab my phone.  It was 2:00AM.
  I sighed as I got up and put a hoodie over my shirt.  I was now wearing a hoodie and some sweats.  I went over to my desk and opened the little drawer.  I grabbed the last cigarette I had and my lighter.
  I went over to put my tennis shoes on and opened my window.  I felt the cool air rush in as I climbed through the window. 
  I was now outside.  The cool air hitting my body as I closed my window.  Sneaking out and walking around was a usual thing I did when I couldn't sleep.  Smoking however was something I don't do too often.  I do it like every few months if I'm going to be really honest.  I try to control it so my lungs aren't screaming.
  I started to walk wherever my feet took me.  I walked until I reached this huge mansion.  I heard that some rich man adopted these children with sick superpowers.  I believe they're the umbrella academy.
  Anyways.  I heard that one of them are like really attractive.  I've never seen him around before.  None of the girls who have pictures of him ever want to show me what he looks like.  I don't know why though, it's not like they have a chance with him.
  I sat down on the curb across the street from it.  I pulled out my cigarette and lighter and lit up the cigarette.  I took a puff from it and exhaled the smoke.
  I wonder what it's like to not go to school and have a lot of fame.  Probably shit.  You wouldn't have any friends, just yourself.  Especially if your parents kept you cooped up in a house like that.
  I sighed as I finished my cigarette.  I got up and found those city trash bins and put my cigarette on the ashtray part of it.  I started walking until I felt someone's hand over my mouth and another hand wrapped around my waist.
  I panicked.  This could not be happening right now.
  I hummed loudly and started squirming violently to get myself out.  I can feel myself on the verge of tears.
  "HELP ME!!" I tried screaming, but it was muffled by the person's hand.  I gave it everything in me to wriggle from their grasp but I was growing tired.  I was about to give up until...
  "Hey!" I heard a voice call out.  The person stopped and I looked over at the source of the voice.  It was a boy my age.
  "Let her go." the boy spoke, "Or you'll be sorry."
  The person kept walking, but at a faster speed this time.  This must be the person's first time kidnapping someone because one, who the fuck stops when someone calls out to them, and two, who the fuck parks far away from their kidnapping spot.  Idiots.
  I heard a whoosh.  What the fuck??
  "I thought I told you to let her go?" the boy spoke again.  Wasn't he behind us a minute ago?
  I heard another whoosh and I felt feet kicking my head.
  "Ow!!" I said but it was muffled.
  "Sorry about that!" the boy said.  I looked up and he was on the person's shoulders, punching the kidnapper.
  A few punches and I felt the guy falling backwards.  I heard another whoosh as I fell backwards with the kidnapper. 
  I landed on top of him and scrambled to my feet.  He was knocked unconscious.  I turned around to see the boy standing behind me.
  "Thank you...." I said, "You saved me."
  "It's no problem." he said, "I do this shit everyday."
  "Really?" I asked.
  "Yup."  he replied, "My dad makes us."
  Huh.  Whooshing noises and ending up in random places, saving people, dads.  This can only mean one thing.
  He's from the umbrella academy.
  "Holy shit." I whispered, "You're from that academy!"
  He nodded.
  "I'm Five Hargreeves." the boy said.
  "I'm (y/n)." I greeted.
  "May I walk you home?"  Five offered.
  "Sure!" I replied.
  We walked and talked the whole way home.  It felt nice.  I don't have that many friends at school, plus he was really cute!  Maybe this was the member that everyone talks about.
  We made it to my house and I opened my window.  I took a good look at Five.
  "Thank you for saving me." I said, "And for taking me home."
  "It's no problem don't worry about it."  Five replied, "I hope to see you again some day."
  "Me too."
  We said our goodbyes and I climbed through the window.  I heard a whoosh and I turned around.  He wasn't there.  I
   smiled as I closed my window.  What a night.  I hope I see him again some day.


Finished yippeee!! i hope everyone is doing okay <333

- Marisol <33

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