Hope (pt. 2)

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alrighty here is part 2 :O like the 1st part, it's still a little long and againsty, but again, it's all for the plot 🫡
tw: emotional abuse, sexual harassment ??


(Y/n's pov)
  It's now December and I'm still dating Nick.  I love him, but he's been draining me out with his whole deal with (b/n).  It's been months, why can't he just accept that he's not going to be besties with her?
  Five was throwing a party today.  I got ready and got in the car with (s/n) and her girlfriend, and my mom.
  My mom dropped us off and more people came.  Soon Nick arrived.
  The party was going great.  That was until...
  "Nick would be the type of person to call (y/n) 'mommy.'" one of our friends said.  Everyone laughed, including Nick.
  "Gross." I replied. 
  A few minutes later, Nick handed me his phone and it showed his notes app.  His screen read: "What if I called you 'mommy'"
  I typed: "no." and gave his phone back.  He nodded.
  He then leaned closer to whisper something in my ear.
  "Mommy." he whispered.  I softly shoved his head away and he hugged me tighter, apologizing.  Fucking bullshit.
  "Wanna make out?" Nick asked suddenly.  I looked at him like he was crazy.
  "We're at a party." I said, "With people."
  "I don't care." he shrugged.  I couldn't believe this guy.
  "Come on, please?" he begged.
  "No." I said.
  "Okayyyyy." Nick sighed.
  God someone save me please.
  A few minutes later, Nick passed me his phone yet again.  Notes app.
  His screen read: "Can I touch your ass and your tits someday?" I typed out "no."  He nodded.
  The party went on, and I noticed Nick's mood changed.  I knew exactly why.
  (B/n) was seen talking to two guys.  They were all laughing and having a great time.
  Something that I didn't have....
  Nick got clingier.  There wasn't anywhere I went that he didn't have his arms around me.  I would go to the bathroom so that way he can stop.  I couldn't tell him to stop because then he'll get mad and break up with me.
It was evident that he was being extremely clingy because he wanted to make (b/n) jealous. Maybe that was why he tried making out with me earlier too.
Nik kept asking to make out throughout the whole party. I declined. What part of 'no' does he not understand? Does he not understand that we are in front of a lot of people? Not only that but we were in someone else's house!
The party was ending and everyone was leaving. The only ones left was me, (s/n), Nick, and obviously Five. We were all sitting on the couches, Nick still clinging onto me.
"Are you getting bored of me?" Nick whispered.
"No." I said.
I still loved him. I was just tired of him acting like this. It was evident that he was getting bored of me. I didn't want to do the things he wants. I'm not even the girl he actually wants.
"Why do you always have a straight face when I cuddle you?" he asked.
"I'm just tired." I replied.
Five's siblings joined us in the living room. They were part of the party too, but they went somewhere for a bit.
Nick left a little later. I felt free.
Me, (s/n), Five, and his siblings were all doing stupid teenager stuff. We were all laughing. I looked at Five. He looked so... happy....
I wonder what my life would be like... if I dated Five instead. Maybe I would be happier.... Maybe I wouldn't be suffering....
No. I can't think like that. I'm already dating someone.
But Five was so kind. Not only to me, but to everyone. Look at the way he smiles, like there's no troubles in the world. And the way he cares for me.... How genuine....
No. I can't....
  Besides, it'll never happen....

• Time skip •

  It's been a few days since Five's party.  Nick was still fixated with (b/n).  He talked about her everyday.  It hurt.
  Not only that but he started saying sexual jokes about me.  I don't wanna get into the shit he's been saying, but I would tell him to stop and he never did.  He would also ask things like if I would ever send him nudes, or if I wanted to try anything out, and no matter how many time I said no, he would ask again the next day.
  And to make matters worse he never remembers our monthly anniversaries.  I know it sounds childish but they matter to me.
  But I still loved him.  Why do I still love him?  All he does is treat me like shit.
  I haven't told my sister or any of my friends about how he's been treating me.  They don't need to know.  The last thing I need is for them to worry about me.
  Me and Nick were under the staircases.  We were making out.  I hated it, but I couldn't say no.
  "Wanna French kiss?" he asked.
  "No sorry, it sounds gross." I replied honestly.
  "Right now is the only time we can do it...." Nick sighed.  Fuck.
  I felt bad.  I didn't want to do it, but he was making me feel bad.
  "Okay fine." I said.
  He pulled me closer to him and started making out with me.  I then felt something enter my mouth.
  I tried to hold out as best I can.  After a few seconds, I pulled away and he hugged me.
  "What did you think?" he asked. 
  "Not my thing I guess...." I replied.
  "Hm well I liked it." he replied. Shit.  He was guilt tripping me again.  And it's fucking working.
  "Oh well I guess I didn't hate it...." I replied.  He hugged me tighter.
  The day went on and he kept trying to French kiss me in front of people.  It was disgusting.  He also kept saying "I love you so much, I would French kiss you in front of your parents."  I am so fucking done with the day.
I went home after school and laid down. Tears welled up my eyes as I hugged my pillow.
I heard my phone vibrate. I picked it up and my heart sank. It was Nick.
He sent me a text saying "When are we going to do it again?" I don't want to answer that fucking question.

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