sorry :(

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hey so i know i have t been doing a good job at updating but i think i need to take a break from posting oneshots for now. vent warning ahead

i found out recently that my very anti lgbtq brother found out that i'm aroace... and he fucking outed me to his construction class....

some kid that happened to be in my twin's math class and in my brother's construction class told my twin about this... when my twin explained that i'm closeted from my whole family except them, he was shocked about what my brother did

idek how my brother found out bro... i'm so upset rn.  i hope he doesn't tell my parents. they're supportive, but i know they won't understand what being aromantic and asexual is like or what it is. they know about my twin being nonbinary and lesbian and they support that, but they would never understand my identity.

my twin was so pissed bc they found out that my brother brought up me and them during his class bc he was making fun of a gay kid in his class.  he said something about my twin being gay and then dragged me being aroace into the mix. my twin is mad about my brother bringing them up into it bc he has done this to them in the past, but they're more concerned with me since i'm not out to anyone at school, only to ppl i actually trust. for my twin, they're basically out and open with their identity, where as i am not.

im just so pissed and upset rn.  i just don't know why he would do this to me.  like does he not feel guilty?  i'm so sick of my brother treating me like shit my whole life and he's a fucking adult??? mf is 18 now.

i'm just so tired. i never wanted anyone irl to know about this unless it was ppl i trust.  all this bc of allonormality. the straights just think of me as inhuman and the lgbtq community just think i'm not human and call me straight. do u see why i'm closeted??? i get fucking dehumanized just bc i don't experience the attraction everyone else does.

i'm pretty sure his whole class thinks i'm a fucking alien now.  istg everyone is going to start dehumanizing me, i fucking hate this

and it's not like i can tell my parents either.  my twin was going to tell them bc of my brother bringing them up, but they're scared that my brother is going to out me to my parents.

i'm just so upset rn, even though i really shouldn't be.  it'd be much worse if i identified as something else in the community, this identity is just me "not getting bitches" but idk bc i tend to invalidate my feelings so idk. ppl always say that aroace ppl don't go thru anything compared to the rest of the lgbt community so it's their fault that they manipulated my mind to think this way when it comes to the fucking aphobic shit i put up with everyday.

rant over lol, i don't like being vulnerable so that's why i don't vent lol 🤗🤗🤗 i hope everyone is doing okay, pls take care, i'll be back soon

- marisol <3

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