Chapter 83 - World System

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The three Reborn monsters, Ahkeel, Bayle and Gneis are warmly welcomed by the other Servants. I introduce them, informing the others of their chosen nicknames. The Pseudo Dragon children are most interested in Gneis, as his chosen species is one that easily traverses the power-gap between Reptileoid and Pseudo Dragonoid.

Once they're introduced and everything is starting to settle down, I almost have to drag myself into my cave, I'm so tired from performing the Ritual three times in a row. Just as I've gotten comfortable, a presence unlike any other I've ever felt descends upon me.

I feel myself being dragged inwards into the Dream against my will, but I know better than to resist. Or rather, I'm entirely unable to even if I wanted. Such is the force of the presence bearing down upon me. 

My mind goes blank for a moment, before I regain consciousness inside the Dream, the wast, empty white expanse now inhabited by something other than me. 

[So you're the one responsible. I've been wondering about the readings, but until now the discrepancies haven't been big enough to be certain.]

A voice, similar yet entirely different to that of the God that sent me to this World speaks in an accusatory tone. 

[Explain yourself, why are you tampering with this World's System?]

[... And who is that behind you?]

I turn my head, there, floating behind me, is Shadow. The wound on her neck is nearly entirely healed, and she seems half awake.

"I-it's my other half... It's-" I get cut off as a piercing icy cold envelops my entire mind. I'm sure it's this voice's doing. Shadow squirms as well, clearly she's being subjected to the same treatment.

[Oh, I see. Now things are starting to fit together.]

My annoyance must have startled the being, as its tone suddenly changes.

[Oh dear, please forgive me. I haven't even introduced myself, yet I'm casually analyzing your entire being. I am the Overseer. It is my duty to keep an eye on all Worlds and ensure that the Divine in charge of them adhere to the Rules and keep their Oaths.]

"Overseer?" I ask.

[Uh, yes. That's me. I, along with my co-worker, Void, ensure Order is upheld. I'm sort of the one that acts as a check and balance to the power of the Divine in the innumerable different Worlds that fill the Space Between.]

"And what does Void do?"

[Uh, they destroy Worlds that have either fallen to Chaos or been abandoned by their Divine. It's the fate of Worlds where Balance is lost, unless it's quickly restored, to be unmade by Void.]

A weight settles squarely in my conscience. If I don't help uphold Balance...

[Oh dear, I've given you existential dread. Nevermind that, this World is fine at the moment, only a catastrophic event could possibly change it at the moment.]


[Speaking of, you... were incredibly close to such an event.]

"H-how? All I did-"

[All you did was directly tamper with an established event flow. If it wasn't for the incredibly precise way in which you did it... Well, let's just say that you and I wouldn't be speaking at the moment.]

"I don't understand."

[... I suppose education is the best choice here.]

The voice seems to sigh, though no sound is produced, and I only feel the tiniest shift in the Dream.

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