Chapter 43 - Those Privy to Fate

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The next week and a half was used to settle Delpha and Grandma into life in the grove. As a former Hunter, Grandma quickly got to work teaching the Jotun and Gyger how to set snares to catch small game. I worried about the legality of this, but she told me as long as they don't set more than two per hunter, and check them within two days of setting them, it's all good. 

They're also designed in such a way that if something too big is caught, it easily comes apart when some force is applied. Anything larger than a medium sized dog would easily be able to get loose. 

With this, the overall need to hunt is lessened. She also taught us how to set up a smoker to preserve food. All necessary things that I'd probably have to get someone to teach me at some point anyway. 

In return for her great contributions, I made a soft mattress for her out of silk. It's nothing more than a wooden stick frame covered in maximum strength silk, but once it's placed so the middle of the frame doesn't touch anything, it's like a stable hammock. 

Seeing her delight over the softness of it, everyone else pestered for one as well, so I was plenty busy making beds for everyone. 

Of course, I was keeping an eye on everything else happening within my Lair, but nothing major happened other than the continued construction of the new Guild Hall. 

Delpha on the other hand is finally able to walk unassisted, at least for short periods. Her stamina still needs some work, but her balance is good enough that she doesn't need the walker I made for her anymore. I worried in the beginning about how the Servants would treat her, considering her perceived weakness, but I think Jotun and Gyger are much more kind to the weaker ones than regular Goblins.

Or maybe it's my wish for them to treat her nicely that's making them do it. I can't tell. Nevertheless, Delpha spends most of her time with me. Practicing walking around and such, and riding on my back once she gets tired and I want to move somewhere. 

"Say, Millibelle, is this what you do normally? Just sit around making stuff for your Servants?" Delpha asks me. I look up from my current project; more beds, for the hatchlings that most likely will arrive next spring. I ponder for a moment. 

"Well, this is probably the longest time I've spent consecutively in my Lair since making it... Before there were always things I wanted to do that required me to travel, and just before I 'rescued' you, I was Called by my Namer, and decided to do a detour to stop by the Spring to sort out my problems regarding Malice." I tell her. 

"Your Namer... Who's that? Someone important, I bet, like the King!" Her eyes light up. I hesitate, the fewer who knows who my Namer is, the better, considering the danger. "She- her name's Valena Argenfeather. She's the grand-daughter of Brekiv Argenfeather, the Guild Master of G'cal." I decide to tell her.

"Hm... Why isn't she here? You'd think being someone as important as the one who Named the Monarch would stick around their achievement." She gets a thoughtful expression. "She wanted to be recognized as strong. Not because she Named me, but because she is strong on her own, despite me." Delpha makes a face at this. 

"Sounds like a dumb reason to me. But what do I know, she sounds like she's Ayvin, they can get kinda odd with their quest for recognition." She shrugs. I quietly continue making the beds. It's true that I can come to her aid with Namer's Call, but what if I'm too late, or it's a situation I can't solve... I'd much rather have her here with me, where I make sure she's safe, but I highly suspect that she'd protest quite vigorously. 

"Honestly, as refreshing as it is to be free of the Spring Keep, it's kind of boring around here..." Delpha stretches before getting to her feet for another round of practice. I give an amused snort. "I agree, but I've promised to stay here for at least a while longer before heading out again." 

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