Chapter 22 - Recklessness

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Ugh, my head hurts...
I blearily open my eyes, the world is doubled and swaying slightly. I must have banged it pretty good, huh.

*It is highly suggested you refrain from making any sudden movements.*

Why? Oh.
My eyes finally focus enough to make out that the weird stick pointed at my neck is, indeed, Germunds' lance, ready to strike. 

"I think it's coming to." I hear Germund call out to the two others. I can't currently see them, but I guess they're around here somewhere. I try speaking to him, but all that comes out is a groggy whine.

Oh right, I revert to my true form if I'm unconscious... No wonder he's pointing his lance at me like that then. I would too if my hunting companion got knocked out and turned into a monster. Trying to reach out with Telepathy just makes my headache worse, so I'm rendered mute.

Ugh, why did I do that?

*Judging by the damage you took from that Earthen Stomp, if Germund had been hit by that attack...*

I'm guessing he'd be reduced to a sack of meat and broken bones. Good thing I'm nearly indestructible.

"Is she okay?" Merkiv asks from beyond my field of view. "Heck if I know. It- she took that kick and then-" Germund momentarily retracts his lance from my neck to shrug. "U-uhoo~" I try my best to make a calming noise as I slowly lift my head from the ground. This was a mistake, because now everything is spinning.

*Current conditions: Dazed (Normal), Concussed (Great) and Broken Bone - Wings (Normal)*

Thanks for that update. How on earth did I manage to break my wings though?

*You landed on them after reverting form. Your weight caused them to break. Luckily they did not dislocate. In the time you were unconscious, the humanoids managed to maneuver you onto your side.*

Oh man. 
"She seems well out of it." Seagrass makes a remark, peeking out from behind one of the dead Maremoths. Actually, what happened to the others?

*They ran off after you resumed your true form. The recoil from the kick the male gave you killed it instantly.*

That's good. Seems my unconscious form is good for something at least...
"I hope she's still in there." Merkiv walks up to in front of me and makes a motion as if to touch me. "Hey! Be careful! Who knows what she'll do if you spook her!" Germund warns, once again pointing his lance to my neck.

"Guroo~" I try cooing to Merkiv. He reaches out and places his hand under my chin. "She seems friendly for now. But to think that Millibelle was this all along..." Merkiv tilts his head at me as he gently brushes the fluffy side of my neck. "Think it's a curse?" Seagrass once again peeks out from behind the Maremoth. I guess he's gathering materials from it.

"I doubt it. Why would a curse do this?" Merkiv replies. "An enchantment then? I mean, those Photians did some pretty messed up stuff last war." Germund suggests. "Maybe. Triggers when the person gets low on HP? Still, why this form. It's so..." "Disjointed?" "Yeah." Oh if only my head wasn't spinning, I'd tell them. 

"So, what do we do with her?" Seagrass asks as he moves from behind the remains of the Maremoth, wiping a dagger on the arm of his shirt. "I don't even know if she's able to walk with how wobbly she's being with her head." Merkiv replies. I'm being wobbly? I try to stop the wobble, and my sight immediately destabilizes. Oh okay, I'm just one hundred percent fucked in the ole brain, aren't I? 

*It will pass once your Regeneration: HP Skill recovers the neurological damage. Estimated time for recovery: 1 day, 13 hours.*

Uuuuugh. I lay my head back down with an annoyed huff. "I guess she's as bothered by this as we are." Germund puts away his lance, seemingly convinced that I'm not an immediate threat. Hell, I'm fairly convinced I'm not an immediate threat. Oh if only I could- wait, I can!

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