Chapter 52 - Recap: The Church

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*The Church is now aware of the relation between you and your alter ego; Millibelle the Healer. As a result of your actions at the village of Vailpol, the High-Priest of the Harmek branch of the Church was removed from his post and Banished.*

Village of Hu'ul
As witnessed by the Divine

The Trusted Brother sits by the dining-table in the house of Brother Crym. A Changeling girl serves him a hot beverage in a large cup before returning to the kitchen. According to the information received from the Parshuran branch, the Acolyte responsible for this town filed paperwork accrediting one Millibelle Voidreiser.

It might not be related, but all leads have to be investigated. He sighs, it took forever to get the necessary permits to cross the border between Harmek and Parshura, and then he had to come to this middle of nowhere town as well.

What is interesting to hear is the stories of how the Monarch saved this town from a Morke that had made its home in the mine. Apparently it was even causing a Dungeon to form within it, but both the Morke and the Dungeon was dealt with. 

Another interesting note is that the Monarch was able to assume the form of a human woman matching the description the villagers of Vailpol gave of the Healer, and even wore similar clothing; a suit of pure white silk. However, the Monarch wasn't immune to the effect of the Blessing of Truth.

Perhaps in the time between then and now it has managed to obtain some way of bypassing it? As the Trusted ponders this, Brother Crym finally returns after his Sermon. As he enters the dining room, he startles at the Trusted's presence. 

"Ah- you spooked me, Brother. I didn't expect you here so soon?" Ah- of course the Church sent prior notice of his arrival. "I prefer being efficient, so once the permits were in order, I traveled here as quickly as possible." All Trusted are identified by their hooded robes, carrying the insignia of their Order, along with symbols representing rank among the Trusted. 

The Trusted before Brother Crym carries the highest ranking symbols, a proud display of his dedication to his faith. "So, the Church wishes to know more of my accrediting of that girl, Millibelle?" Crym asks as he sits down opposite the Trusted. The Changeling peeks out of the kitchen door.

"Ah, Gleda, could you get us something to drink?" Crym asks her. She nods, glancing warily at the Trusted before retreating back into the kitchen. "Yes, I'd like to know why, and also of the relation between this woman and the Monarch." The Trusted has to fight a smirk as Crym pales.

They're both perfectly aware of the consequences should Crym be caught lying. Lying to a Trusted during an investigation is grounds for severe punishments, up to and including Banishing. 

A holy ritual would be carried out, and the person to be Banished would receive the Banished Social Title, which causes the carrier to be hated by everyone and everything. This hatred would see the carrier cast out of society, and even normally peaceful monsters would seek the carriers death. 

Of course, Banishing is reserved only for the most severe breaches of the rules. 

"I-I see... I... I suppose I have no choice." He stammers before clearing his throat and recounting his side of the story. How the Monarch in Human form chased off the Morke, saving his life. In return, he gave her the papers necessary to hunt in the area without revealing her true self.

After obtaining Skills from a Maremoth, the Monarch then entered the Mine, slayed the Morke and somehow stopped the formation of a Dungeon. After receiving some mining equipment as thanks, the Monarch flew off, and hasn't been seen since. 

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