Chapter 58 - A Royal Rumble

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It's close now, the Tri-Ant Queen. I can tell by the suppressing aura that now infuses the air. Taking pause, I consider my options. I'll most likely have to take care of the Queen myself, but it's sure to be guarded. 

The Osseous Slime hops off my shoulder and stands in front of me, jumping eagerly. In the short time since we woke up, it's already changed a bit. With the skull-like bone that encases its core complete, its begun working on a neck. Top to bottom, huh?

I read its mind, its request is clear: "Use True Raise on me like you did last time to help me become strong!" That's what they'd say if they had a voice. As they are, they're little more than a shoulder ornament, and they've observed how I prefer to let others do the fighting so I avoid gaining too much power.

"I want to be strong to protect you!" They urge me. I smile, who am I to deny them their request? Reaching out my hand, I cast True Raise on the Slime. As usual, a black aura shrouds their form, and it changes and grows. I'm guessing the Spell lets them build their bones much quicker than normal.

Once the aura fades, a proud monster stands before me. Their form now resembles a skeletal Secretary Bird coated in a grayish, slightly translucent membrane that acts as skin and muscles. They crane their neck and inspect themselves, flapping featherless wings and kicking at the ground, leaving deep grooves in the stony floor. 

*The Avianoid Osseous Slime is built for speed and power, delivering kicks capable of denting heavy plate armor, and effortlessly puncturing lesser armors. It also has a basic grasp on offensive Air Magic, though it only resorts to this when unable to reach its target. Its jumping power is also quite high.*

Once content with their self-inspection, they nuzzle up to me in affection. I stroke their head, the texture feels almost like soft skin, though it gives more to pressure. Suddenly, I'm beset by my other Undead creations, clearly jealous of the affection I'm giving the Osseous Slime.

Sighing, I smile as I give in to their demands, and gently pet them as well. Who knew Undead were so affectionate? The cuddle-session is cut short, however, as the sound of buzzing wings close in on us. A winged Tri-Ant, its wasp head slightly larger than the other two, and an impressive stinger on one of its abdomens careens down the tunnel at breakneck speeds.

*Tri-Ant Royal Guard*
*Tasked with protecting the Tri-Ant Queen and her brood, this caste of Tri-Ant exhibits several unique characteristics; its ability for flight, and its incredibly aggressive demeanor. Not to say other Tri-Ant types aren't aggressive, but the Royal Guard has been observed attacking and killing others of the same colony simply because their allegiance wasn't readily obvious, such as then a Worker returns soaked in viscera from a successful hunt. Risky as it may be, the most efficient way of fighting a Royal Guard would be to remove its four antennae. This will render it unable to determine friend from foe entirely, and pit it against its fellows. Leaving it to tire or be dispatched by its own is recommended at this point. Otherwise, close combat is highly recommended to keep it from using its most dangerous Skills.
Little research has been done on the use of its parts, however the large stinger can be used to make daggers.*
*Rank: 4 Stars*

I dodge its charge, and as it turns around for another go, I block the tunnel with webs. Its description leads me to believe it's kind of mindless when it comes to dealing with threats, so I want to test if this would be a viable strategy against it. 

Stepping back in case it just plows through the web, I observe as it hesitates. Only for a moment though, as it instead lands and switches its abodomens around. From the looks of it, it's the ant one it's intending on using. It raises itself up on its hind legs, with its abdomen tucked between them in the pose typical for a stinging ant.

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