Chapter 27 - A Diplomatic Favor

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The next two days pass without incident. The day is spent in the carriages, the night is spent watching the jester. By now I'm exhausted, and desperately looking forward to a bath and some sleep. Also, it takes three days before the minion Status fades, it seems.

We arrive at the capital of Parshura: B'dur. After a brief identity check (thank you Brother Crym for your help with that.), we go to the castle. The captive Aurellium members are taken away to their cells, and I'm relieved of my duties. "Ah, but you should stay until the trials are over. You might be called in as a witness." One of the guards tell me before I leave. 

Ugh, I have to stay? I really regret doing it this way now... I sigh to myself as I open the doors to the Guild Hall. I change my Gold into Silver, and my Silver into Copper so as to have an easier time paying for things I might need. I also pay the ten Copper to rent a room at the Hall for a day.

I take a long, warm bath before bed. Securely locking the door to my room, I arrange the bedding onto the floor before returning to my true form and going to sleep. 

I end up oversleeping by a lot. It's after noon before I wake up. Getting dressed and ready, I decide to leave my bag of Draugr in my room. As long as I lock the door, no-one should come in here. At least I hope so. 

As I descend the stairs to the first floor, a man with hair that shifts between various shades of orange, dressed in a suit not unlike what a butler might wear, approaches me. That reminds me, I never did learn the name of the Fire people.

*Pyrean. The other species of humanoid are: Human, Beastfolk, Accan, Ayvin, Minars and Photian.*

So Pyrean are fire, Humans are life, Beastfolk are Earth, Accan are Water, Ayvin are Air, Minars are Dark and Photian are Light. 


"Your Excellence, the King requests an audience with you. If you accept, please follow me." His tone clashes a bit with his looks. He looks like some tamed down delinquent with his crazy hair and shark-like teeth, yet he is soft spoken and well dressed. "Ah, yes, please show the way." I follow him, trying to ignore the stares that began when he addressed me as "Excellence".

He guides me to the same waiting room that I waited in the first time I was here. I'm a lot more anxious this time around. Maybe because I'm alone. I wait around for maybe a few minutes before some official looking guy exits the throne-room. He looks me up and down before huffing and leaving. I guess I didn't impress him?

"Millibelle, you may enter. Please keep proper distance to his Highness unless he approaches you." Actvi, Valena's older brother, and the Kings Royal Protector, lets me into the throne-room. He keeps a close eye on my every movement. I guess he still doesn't trust me. Or he's just really diligent at his job.

The room seems to be the same as the last time I was here, save for a new pedestal next to the throne, housing a rainbow-shimmering gem with a brilliant cut. (~it basically looks like your standard cut diamond~) I feel a sense of familiarity when observing the colors swirl within it.

I make a curtsy to King Dervix who sits upon his throne. "Millibelle, it's been a while." He seems cheerful. "And in that while you've been a tremendous help to me. Capturing spies, ridding the town of Hu'ul of the Morke that was terrorizing it, and now you've captured over thirty members of one of the most dangerous criminal organizations in the world!" He gestures dramatically.

"Ah, well, most of that was just because I happened to be there." I try to explain away. He pauses for a moment. It seems as if he wants to ask something, but drops it. "Anyway, I wanted to let you know that the criminals you brought in are all being sentenced to prison. Since they all confessed and plead guilty to the crimes they had committed, they dodged the death penalty."

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