Chapter 119 - Universal Entities

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I feel the fog of fatigue lifting from me. I can almost think clearly again. Trying to open my mouth, nothing happens, so instead I reach out with my mind towards the floating sphere of color. 

"What do you mean, Chaos? From what I've been told, Chaos is a state a World can fall into, not an actual entity?"

The orb quivers, its surface distorting slightly as the colors within go from a psychedelic swirling motion to forming individual bubbles of color that usurp each other as they swell and are swallowed by the neighbouring bubbles. 

It's... laughing?

[You're not wrong. Like the honored [Overseer] and [Void], I am an Universal Entity. However, unlike them, the me here is unique when compared to the me found in another World.]

"So... The Overseer remains themself even if they visit different Worlds, but you're contained to this specific World, and each World contains an instance of you."

I attempt to parse the new information. Does this mean that there is an Universal Entity that embodies the opposite of Chaos?

[There is. However, they cannot express themself easily like me. The [Order] of this World gave up their Self to better embody themself. Though, in a sense, you're the physical expression of Order.]

"Ah, reading minds..."

The chaotic bubbling of color subsides within Chaos, replaced by swirling bands of color not unlike how a Dungeon Heart looks to me. 

[I apologize if it upsets you, but as a part of you I can't help it. In short, you also embody me. [Order] and [Chaos] together in the same Vessel become [Balance], though there are some criteria you had to fulfill.]

"Balance... That makes sense. The purpose of the Monarch is to preserve the Balance of the World. Thinking back, that gem was made from the excess Magic in my body after I ate that Dungeon Heart. Is that what you meant with 'power returned'?"

[Yes. If they'd left you alone, your body would eventually have digested the excess Magic, fulfilling the first condition for letting me talk to you like this. Magic has three main states, so to speak. Normally, in its ambient form, it is in the Balanced State. When it is used to cast a Spell, it enters the Ordered State.]

[Finally, the Chaotic State happens when the Balanced State is lost, and like an egg put into boiling water, the formerly smooth-flowing Magic bunches up and becomes stuck, forming a Dungeon Heart.]

[From your birth, your body already had an unprecedented capacity for Ordering Magic. Consuming and integrating the Chaotic Magic then Balances out your body. After some time, you'll become able to sense the flow of Chaos much like you're able to sense the flow of Order currently.]

"Ah, so my ability to see Magic without a corresponding Skill, it's because I'm sensing Ordered Magic? But I'm already able to sense and interact with the Magic in Dungeon Hearts?"

[Hm... I'm unsure. Perhaps since you only had partially digested the Dungeon Heart, part of the ability was conferred? After all, this hasn't happened before. All the other Monarchs fully digested their first Dungeon Heart after all.]

"Even the Tyrants?"


[Anyway, being able to sense Chaos is a bit more useful than being able to sense Order.]

"How so?"

[Imagine a pond. It is sheltered from wind, so unless it's raining, it's completely calm. Living in the pond, beneath its surface, are the monsters of the World, in the form of fish. They normally swim too deep to make ripples on the surface.]

[However, on the surface, are the humanoids in the form of pond-skaters. Their movements across the lake are all guided by the Fate decreed upon them by the Divine, but each time they move, they make a tiny ripple.]

"The ripples represent Chaos?"

[Indeed. Normally, the pond skaters are kept just far enough apart that the ripples they make don't interfere with the movements of their neighbours, but if something was to happen to the control of their movements...]

Fateless... Either people like me, who are from another World, or someone who survived their intended Fate because of the interference of an OtherWorlder. 

[And you, in your eternal grace, take the form of a swan. Normally paddling along, hardly making a ripple, but your mere presence is enough to block the intended path of the pond skaters. And if you panic, and make a fuzz, the ripples you make cover the entire pond in waves.]

[However, trailing behind you, always a step from drowning, is a mangy, flea-ridden dog continuously splashing water everywhere in its quest to get to you.]

"My brother..."

The colors slow their dance, lingering on the ribbon-like look as if hesitating. Once they change again, the neutral swirling doesn't resume, the colors instead form a kaleidoscope-like effect. It's making me a bit nauseous to look at, somehow- as if this mood was something very rarely seen.

[I sense great discord in your heart. You desperately want to save him, don't you?]

I try to nod, but my body doesn't respond, it just floats limply like it has since entering this strange place. 

"Him and the lost Element."

There's a pause. Chaos seems to be considering something.

[It will be very difficult, and it's not guaranteed to succeed at all since it's a technique from another World. Despite the 'me' of this World being a separate consciousness from the 'me' of other Worlds, there's still a connection.]

[It's from a World fairly close to this one in regards to the functionality of the Active World System, so it should be applicable if we utilize your unique ability to see the functions assigned to everything.]

"What's it called?"

[The Labyrinth of Gods. It is, in essence, a gigantic Dungeon with multiple Dungeon Hearts. Each Heart would be responsible for powering one section of the Dungeon, with a total of fifteen sections. One for each Element, and one for the lost one.]

[By placing your brother within it, the harmonious Balance within the Labyrinth would slowly untangle both his connection to the Heart and begin to restore the lost Element. Once his connection to the Dungeon Heart is fully removed, his Soul would finally be able to enter the Abyss and rejoin the Cycle.]

[I propose this method since if you were to undo the Heart any other way, his Soul would be destroyed at best, or he would become an Other at worst, an undying entity incapable of interacting with the World except in those very rare cases where a talented humanoid is able to enter the Dream.]

[It is also the most risk-free method of attempting to purify the lost Element.]

There is a pause as I consider the information. The entire technique hinges on the ability to either create or transplant Dungeon Hearts as well as the time aspect. 

I'm about to ask more questions, but the light before me is dimming, and I can feel myself waking up.

[Ah, with the integration of me into you, the worst of your fatigue should have been dealt with. However, don't push yourself too hard. We still have time, don't rush. Let's talk more once you have a free moment.]

I get the sense that they're smiling at me. 

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