Chapter 8 - The Effects of Hate

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Somewhere else entirely
???'s POV

An endless abyss spreads before me, the only points of interest being the stone platform I'm currently standing on, the giant eyeball; A thick cord of viscous dark matter connecting it to the formless body below, and the innumerable souls slowly descending into the darkness to be remade and reborn into the Cycle of Life and Death.

The giant eyeball is the physical manifestation of Abyss, the God of Death in this World. They are currently replaying the deaths they find interesting. 
Shining a light from its singular pupil onto the soul in front of it, the last moments of the souls life is displayed. A Goblin Shaman is tearing out the throat of this unfortunate Kobold General. How savage. 

With the soul still suspended, preventing it from moving on, Abyss then shines a light onto a different soul. The final moments displayed are of lesser quality, not unlike static interference on a video-tape. It's hard to make out what exactly happened, but it left the soul in a damaged state, something not normally possible. What I am able to make out is a blueish shadow leaping onto the body of the Quartz Deer, viciously striking at its neck.

Moving onto the next soul, there is even more interference. The soul itself is barely holding together; it probably will not be able to complete the Cycle. What a waste. This one shows a high speed battle with something. There's too much interference to actually tell what the Bristle Wolf Alpha is fighting, but it seems to have the same blueish hue to it.

The last soul is just a garbled mess, the soul itself just a few fragments of light. Once Abyss finishes watching its last moments, the soul shimmers and fades. Wiped entirely from existence. Their eye furrows in frustration. Seems whatever this blue shadow is, it is causing great distress to Them by damaging and destroying the precious souls.

"I see now, why you called me." I address the eyeball.
Seemingly ignoring me, Abyss goes back to watching the replay of the first soul. Seems it has a soothing effect?
"Do you wish for me to interfere directly with the cause of this, or should I inform Mother first?"
Shaking their eye back and forth, then nodding. I am not to go directly to the cause of this, I am to gain Mothers approval before doing anything.
As it always has been, as it always will be. Mother knows best. 

"I will inform Mother. I will now take my leave." I bow as deep as I dare (I do not want to lose my balance and fall), my hair brushing against the stone platform I'm standing on. Readjusting my cloak, I step into the circle that lights up the middle of the platform. The light envelops me, and I am taken to Her Room.

An enormous being rises in front of me. Its lower half is composed of the same viscous darkness that makes up the entirety of Abyss's being. It sinks down below the floor, to connect back to the endless void under this room. An exposed spine gives way to ivory skin, three pairs of arms, each hand holding a different room, each belonging to the other Gods. Her face, eternal beauty. The Source of all Life in this World, the All-Mother. Her body, a nexus to bind together the other elements, and give stability to this World. 

I prostrate myself in front of Her Glory. As the Envoy of Death, I am the highest ranking Divine Envoy, yet even I hold eternal respect for Her.
"Rise, Grim, Mother welcomes you" The voice, small and child-like, originates from Lyf (~pronounced the same as life~AN~) the Divine Envoy of Life and the One that Speaks for Mother.

I rise, once again adjusting my cloak so that it hides as much of the right side of my body as possible. With my left hand I stroke my hair to once again cover my right eye. 
I bow before Lyf, last ranking Envoy, and start my report. 

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