Chapter 105 - Sapling of Eternal Peach Blossoms

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~Content Warning: Implied Suicide~

The days pass, and- perhaps a bit too suddenly for me- the time has come to travel to the capital of Parshura. Everything's prepared though, so my absence shouldn't cause any issues. 

[Millibelle, I want you to bring the King a gift. If he plants it in the city, my Blessing will extend even further, and I'll be able to make my Avatar appear there for shorts periods of time, so I can also take part in the talks about reviving the other Demigods.]

Yggdrasil's been quiet these last few days, as if she's been busy with something, and I'm finally told what it is. 

"My first child. I never was able to make any back then, my Maker was gone so soon after I was born... Please, take care of them for me on the way there." A soft, pale green glow emanates from the chest of her Avatar, and from it emerges a small sapling, barely longer than a human's arm. 

"They'll grow quick once they're planted, so make sure there's room around them." Like a mother cradling her baby, she gingerly hands me the sapling. There's a small amount of soil clinging to its roots, which I decide to secure by adding some silk around the bottom. 

"I'll take good care of them, don't worry." I reassure the Demigod before walking out of the cave. Just one stop before I head to the capital. Due to the suddenness of the Cold Event, people weren't able to secure the many livestock monsters that are raised for food or transport in Sern'in.

At most, some quick witted people were able to throw open the gates to the areas where they were kept, and now the population of tame monsters are scattered about my Domain. The conditions are still not good enough to think about reining in the monsters, and this has placed Sakaya in a problematic situation.

She arrived here with two specially bred Hornhests, their whereabouts are currently unknown, and so her transport is lost. She desires to attend the meeting, as she is the current head of the Church, and the matters of Demigods are very much within the purview of the Church.

And so, the stop I'm making is to pick up her and her Retainer. I'm already wearing the saddle, so it's just a matter of getting on my back and we'll be off. She could probably do without the saddle, but the trip is going to take more than an hour, and my scales are no doubt uncomfortable to sit on.

"Millibelle!" Sakaya eagerly walks up to me as I land in the village square. People are milling about, almost as if the events of the past month hadn't happened at all, but I can feel the reverence emanating from any villager that sees me. 

"What's this? A... Sapling? I'm unsure if you're familiar with humanoid courting, but it's usually flowers one bring to their chosen love." The Grand Priestess curiously studies the sapling, her head tilted slightly to the side as she does so. 

"Wha- no, if I knew you wanted flowers, I'd have gotten some. This sapling is a gift from Yggdrasil to the King. It's the most precious thing to her, so please be careful." My words seem to have warded off Sakaya's desire to touch the sapling. 

I crouch down, letting the Grand Priestess and her Trusted get onto my back before standing back up again. A few discreet movements with my tail, and I've secured them both to the saddle with silk. 

"I'll be taking off now, please hold on tight." I warn before leaping into the air, the beat of my wings kicking up a flurry of snow in the process. 

"It's beautiful..." Sakaya mutters from behind my back as we get close to the capital of Parshura, B'dur. The tall towers of the castle glint in the winter sun, and the snow-covered roofs of the city below glitter, making it seem quite magical.

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