Chapter 55 - Grand Migration

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I get to my feet, a bit stiff, but not as bad as it could have been considering I've been asleep for two months straight. Little Puyo chirps drowsily from her nest. I prepare some food for her. Despite the time elapsed, she's still the same, same with the Osseous Slime.

I guess time really was standing still for us? I decide against contemplating it closer. As I'm feeding Puyo, Delpha and Grandma comes into the cave, along with Huldr. 

"There's a massive thing in the air above us!" Delpha exclaims excitedly. "It's a floating island, dear. Millibelle must have created it." Grandma explains. "I think that's the only change you're able to see from here, most all of my Lair is different now." I add.

'Nyuh' Puyo refuses the last piece of meat, she's full. She's already snuggling back down into her nest to sleep. I gently set it down and walk outside. I should give the Lair a brief check before I proceed with my plan of hatching out the other eggs.

From what I read, it seems that other than the Quetzalcoatl, the newly hatched Pseudo Dragonoids will mostly fend for themselves, so I should be able to just keep an eye on them until I'm comfortable letting them go off on their own. 

"Do you want to come with, Delpha?" I ask her. "Ahuh! Let's go to the island first!" She excitedly clambers onto my back before I'm able to lay down to make it easier for her. "We'll be back in less than three hours." I tell Grandma before taking off with Delpha safely secured to my back with a harness of silk.

I'm planning on doing a loop around the Lair, or well, my Domain, as it's now been upgraded. Once done, I'll stop by the Lizardman village and pick up the other eggs. Hatching them all at once might make it harder to keep an eye on all of them, but I feel that I shouldn't delay this any longer.

I rise high into the sky. The tree that my cave grows above is far bigger than any tree could ever grow on earth, but in this World it seems that once they reach a certain size, they start using magic instead of water. Magic is largely unaffected by gravity, so the tree is effectively free to grow however big the ambient magic levels allow it to.

Being at the heart of my Domain, as well as right above where I sleep, it has an nearly unlimited access to magic, and as such, this tree towers far above the rest of the forest, perhaps even a kilometer tall (~0,6 miles~).

Even further above it, a large hunk of earth floats. I'd estimate it to be several kilometers across (~1,2-1,8 miles~), roughly shaped like an upside-down cone. I land, and notice there is a very slight sway to the island, like a ship at sea; bobbing in gentle waves. 

I briefly take a walk around with Delpha still on my back. Seems nothing lives here yet. Which makes sense, as any outside monsters haven't had time to migrate here yet, and spontaneous generation would likewise be too soon. 

So at the moment, it is a verdant, forested island that floats in the sky. There's a lake in the middle of it too. Content, I take off again and descend back to the ground. I take a glance at Delpha's Status, but she seems all right. I worry about the sudden changes in altitude, and how that might affect her. 

But perhaps I'm overthinking it, this is a different World, after all. Perhaps altitude sickness isn't a thing here. 

*It is, however, the heights needed to be traversed are greater due to a greater concentration of oxygen at higher altitudes compared to your old World.*

Ah- So I'm right in worrying, just for greater heights. I decide to skip over the different forests, and instead focus on the entirely new biomes. There's a desert, another desert- but ashy grey, a large mountain with smoke coming out the top- probably a volcano.

Several lakes are dotted around, rivers connecting them, grassland of various kinds, and finally there's the marsh. Except the marsh now morphs into a river delta that drains into a massive lake. I go to investigate.

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