Chapter 3 - Hunting, Learning, Surviving

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Once the Shaman left us, the others mumble amongst themselves before heading out of the cave. Including my group, there were 5 groups; with 3 goblins in each. I inspect the third goblin. He is taller than me by about a head and is much more muscular than the other males.

Name: Unnamed
Species: Goblin (Goblinoid)(Common)
Gender: Male
HP: 50/50
MP: 5/5
SP: 45/45
Attack: 15
Armor: 20
M.Attack: 3
M.Armor: 20
Speed: 10

STR: 15
CON: 13
INT: 3
WIL: 13
DEX: 8

Language Comprehension: Goblin
(Normal)  - Teamwork (Lesser)
Condition Resistance: Poison (Lesser)  -   Condition Resistance: Disease (Lesser)
Hardy Digestion (Normal)

Social Titles:
Bully   -    Stubborn

His Int is so low! He seems to embody the brawn over brains archetype perfectly. His teamwork skill is grayed (~represented to the reader as text in italics ~AN~) out, why? Is he too dumb to use it? Or is it incompatible with his Bully and Stubborn titles?

*Most likely both, he seems to be the kind of Goblin it is easier to work around rather than with.*

Great, this is going to be interesting... I'll nickname him Brutus for now. Moving towards the exit of the cave, Blue and Brutus follow me, I guess my Big Sister title causes them to follow my lead more easily. 

I shield my eyes as we step into the daylight. I wish I could then shield my mind from the onslaught of messages I then received.

*Enable Time Display?*
Yes - No

*Enable Mind Map?*
Yes - No

*Once Mind Map is enabled, enable Auto-Mapping?*
Yes - No

I reel at the information in my head and hurriedly select yes to all prompts. My head spins as my field of vision gets obstructed by a large mini-map and a clock like display. In my confusion I walk into a tree.

*5 damage taken*

I fall over onto my back. Blue hurriedly rushes over to me, Brutus is snickering at my misfortune.
I take the opportunity to modify and move the displays around so they don't disrupt my vision as much. I also lock the map to always face north. This is a thing I'd always have to do in any games I played. I'd just get so confused otherwise.

I rub my forehead as I get back up.
The map displays a predicted topography with minimal details in the areas I haven't been to yet (which would be everything except right outside the cave I was born in). I look for some sort of water source,  logic dictates there should be one close to the cave. 

I spot a band of blue a distance away from our current location, and I head in that direction. Blue and Brutus follow me, Brutus somewhat hesitantly, perhaps me blundering into a tree didn't leave the best impression of me upon him.

After about 10 minutes of walking, I start hearing the roar of the river. It is a wide, very fast-flowing river, a natural barrier to whatever is on the other side. I have the feeling that even if we managed to cross, only death waits for us on the other side. Regardless, I slowly make my way down the rocky bank. Blue and Brutus wait behind me, unsure if they dare follow.  

Once I get to the edge of the water, I sit down and reach my hands into it. Its cold, and I feel the current tugging at me, even when having just my hands underwater.
I swish my hands back and forth before cupping them and splashing water in my face. It didn't get much grime off, but it was better than nothing. I have to try making a small pool here where I can get a good wash without being carried off by the current. 

Reincarnated as a random race, of course I got goblin.Where stories live. Discover now