Chapter 134 - Meld

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A few moments earlier
The capital of B'dur
As witnessed by the divine

"So as you probably can tell..." The spectacled human sitting in front of King Dervix nervously fiddles with the hem of his coat. He opens his mouth to continue before being cut off by the King.

"Give me a moment, I've barely begun reading, and you want me to weigh in on this?"

Dervix gives the man in front of him an unimpressed glance before resuming reading the papers in his hands, all the while desperately trying to surpress the intense migraine he's currently suffering from. As he's come to learn, it isn't only benefits in having one's mind linked to a monster.

"She's in a viscious fight this time..." he thinks to himself as he refocuses his attention on the information the Head of the Sanatorium has presented him with. It pertains to the status of the two surviving nobles that aided the treacherous Argon Amberroux in his attack on the throne.

"... The patients are in some sort of catatonic state. Although there is no response to verbal comunication, they will drink when presented water, and chew and swallow if food is put in their mouths. In addition, they retain the awareness needed to respond to danger."

"In one experiment, the hand of patient Antellion was brought towards the flame of a candle. He presented no signs of awareness up until the moment before his hand would have been touched by the flame, at which point he pulled it back and away from the flame with such force he sent the Doctor handling his arm to the healers with a dislocated elbow."

Dervix's brow furrows as he continues reading.

"...Although no similar malaise has ever been recorded in Humanoids, the symptoms the two patients show are nearly identical to the state Rats bonded to a Rat King enter when separated from the King."

As he feared, the Sanatorium is close to figuring out what exactly is going on.

"Now, please continue where you left off." Dervix feigns an apologetic expression as he lays down the papers.

"The fight's finished on Millibelle's end," he notes to himself, the stabbing pain of the migraine quickly receding.

"Ah, yes. So, as you've read, the symptoms those two present are almost the same as Rats under the effect of the Skill 'Hive Mind' have when sufficiently far from the main body. However, what we've been unable to figure out is how this happened, and what is responsible." The Sanatorium Head adjusts his glasses, his forehead shiny from the sweat upon it.

What he is about to ask could land him in unimaginable trouble, if not have the King execute him on the spot.

"I know your highness has blocked out those memories of what happened in the escape tunnels, but in the interest of those two's health and continued well-being..." His voice falters at the abrubt change in Dervix's expression.

The usual 'Kingly warmth and charm' that he exhudes is snuffed out in a moment, his face now pale and his expression cold. Of course, the Head knew this might happen. After all, this has been the exact response each time the topic of 'the Diadem incident' is broached.

Chalked up to a post-traumatic response, something to perhaps work on once the current crisis is over.

If they all survived that was...

"I-" Dervix's jaw seizes up, clamping shut with an audible clack. With one hand across his mouth, he gestures to Actvi with the other. The Guard springs to action, getting between the King and the Sanatorium Head.

This damned mental block! Even thinking about trying to inform others of the Monarchs control of him sets his own body against him. And to make matters worse, it seems the source of his current troubles has done something unwise, once again.

A torrent of nonsensical information assaults his mind. He's unsure of the hows and whys, but something has completely incapacitated Millibelle, and with it, the dam that kept her mind from flooding his has sprung a leak.

It's getting hard to focus on the world around him, his mind beginning to crumble from the strain.

"Your Majesty-!" The Head almost shouts before quickly scrambling out of the chair he was sitting in, knocking it to the floor. Professionalism quickly takes over, however, and he tries to get close to assis the King.

"Stay back!" Actvi warns, a hand on the hilt of his sword. Although stern and commanding, there's a slight panicked tremble to his voice. A slight scuffle ensues between the two, only to suddenly be interrupted by the soft thump of something falling.

Turning to the source, they both fear the worst as they see an unmoving Dervix on the floor.

Millibelle's POV

I wake up, or so I think.

Opening my eyes, the featureless white void of the Dream stretches out before me. However, where I used to be alone besides the panel that controls Lairs, this time I have company.

Seven humanoid forms hover in a circle around me, ethereal threads of slowly pulsing light connecting each to me. I carefully examine one of them.

Floating silently, curled in a fetal position, is the King of Parshura. I'm not able to take in any other details, though. It's more like I just know by gut feeling that this is him, for the shape before me is unclear, as if it's obscured behind dirty glass and filthy water.

Looking over the others, there's the two companions of the Harmekian Hero, the Harmekian Spymaster, the disgraced prince... And his two companions.

Unlike the others, whose countenance is impossible to take in in detail, these two are perfectly clear. I can guess why, since Shadow completely consumed their ego back then...

"There was no other choice, you know."

Shadow reminds me in an attempt to make me reconsider having regrets about what happened.

"I know. Besides, I promised to show no mercy to those who are against me..." I trail off as I glance over to the panel for the Crimsnow Glacier Lair. The settings are much more limited in scope since Bloody Mary is the true owner, and I'm only given access since she is my Servant.

"Should we set things up whilst we're in here anyway?" I point to the panel quietly hovering before us.

"No, we should wake up as soon as possible. I think us getting knocked out like that has had some unfortunate consequences."

Shadow directs my attention towards the humanoids sharing the Dream with us, their features are becoming more easy to discern by the moment, their forms shuddering in apparent discomfort.

Indeed, I can sense a trickle of foreign memories entering my mind. Just like back then... Which means...

Thinking quickly, I use Remote Control Body to force my physical form to bite down on my arm. I feel a liquid warmth in my mouth as my conciousness rapidly rushes to the surface of wakefulness.

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