Chapter 78 - Dreamwalking

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"Is this really safe?" Asks the Trusted, concern and nervousness in their voice as they struggle to get a secure grip on me. 

"You insisted on accompanying the Grand Priestess, so this is how we're doing it. Don't worry, I won't go full speed, and I've even secured you with my silk." I refrain from rolling my eyes at them as they fidget about on my back, surprised to learn that they're webbed stuck to me. 

I'm carrying the sleeping Grand Priestess in my arms, her duvet wrapped around her and secured with silk. I secure her further with a harness of silk, just in case she thrashes about in her sleep and manages to wriggle out of my grasp. 

"Okay, set, go!" I kick off, spreading my wings wide and take to the air. Oh, how I've missed flight! I'm still a bit stiff from my long time spent immobile, so I take it slow not just for the comfort of my passenger. 

"Oh no! OH NO!" The Trusted cries in terror, threatening to cut themself on my scales by hugging my waist too tightly. 

By the time we reach the grove, they've quieted down, but as I land, I learn it's because they've fainted. Really, I didn't even go that fast... 

"Master!" Vir'ava calls out to me as I land. "Who's... this?" She looks at the Trusted with contempt. 

"The retainer of this woman. I'll leave them in your care. Don't hurt them, even if they lash out in fright. I think this is all a bit too much for them at the time." I inform as two Spriggan remove the Trusted from my back. 

"Millibelle, over here." Yggdrasil beckons from the entrance to the cave. She cannot step more than a few meters away from the trunk of her main body, lest the avatar ceases existing. It actually reminds me of the Dryad, and how it's bound to tending one tree.

I hurry over to meet her, awaiting her instructions on how to proceed. "Too bad your Shadow isn't awake yet. Her help would be invaluable, but I believe that as long as you keep your wits about you and remember that it's all a dream, it's going to go well."

Indeed, although I'm recovered physically, Shadow still sleeps within my mind. I worry about her, but there isn't much I can do on my end. 

"The Nightmare will no doubt try to draw you in, to cause fear in you. That is how it maintains the upper hand, by torturing its victims with horrific visions." Yggdrasil warns. "I'm sure it will try to use your memories against you as well, but no matter what you see, focus on getting to the core of the dream."

"The core?" I ask, all this is new to me, but I suppose a Demigod would know better of the Dream than I. 

"The center. It's where the Priestess will be. As long as you move forwards, you'll get closer." Yggdrasil explains as she positions the Priestess next to me. 

"And once I'm there?" "You'll need to sever the link between the Priestess and the Nightmare. But beware, if the Priestess thinks she's died, all three of you'll be trapped in the Dream forever, becoming wandering Others. You don't want that." 

So... worst case scenario, the Nightmare might take us all with it. Fuck. 

I settle down next to the Priestess. "Here, drink this. It has a sedative effect, so you won't wake up too soon." A root descends from the ceiling. Pooled in an indentation is a viscous blob of liquid, most likely sap of some kind. I imbibe the sap, its horribly bitter, and my face contorts and my scales bristle in reaction to the taste.

However, almost immediately, I get very drowsy. Just barely remembering to access the Dream, I fall asleep.

Hm? Ah.

I'm awake? No. I'm in the Dream. Of course I am. The bright white expanse, and the floor showing my Domain. It's been a while. Is Shadow here?

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