Chapter 50 - Information Gathering

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I hardly sleep for the next few days, as I need to feed the baby Quetzalcoatl roughly every two hours. Crying her little 'Pyuh~' sound when she's hungry, I obediently feed her the mashed meat slurry I've prepared. 

Actually feeding her turned out to be a bit of trial and error, and I end up using Complex Shape Body to turn one of my hands into a tube of sorts, the end of which is in the shape of a beak to mimic the mouth of the mother Quetzal. Stuffing it with food, then "regurgitating" the food into the chicks mouth, it works very well despite how bizarre the scene is.

She should soon be big enough for smaller chunks of meat, and then I don't have to do that anymore, at least until one of the other eggs turn out to need hand feeding like this one. Once she is on solids, I'll leave Delpha to take care of her for a few hours as I want to research what the other Pseudo Dragonoid eggs need, and prepare accordingly.

I could of course just wait for the baby to be independent, but making changes to the Lair will take time, and I don't have a lot of it. I am also an impatient person when it comes to things like this. 

At least she isn't as ugly anymore. Her eyes aren't open quite yet, but it shouldn't be too long now. Poofy baby feathers coat her head, neck, chest and tops of her wings, thinning out and being replaced by scales as one moves below the wings. 

In a while, this coat of downy feathers will be shed, replaced with the juvenile colors which she'll keep until she's sexually mature. 'Nuyh~' She shakes her head when I offer more, she's full. I sigh and clean up as she maneuvers her tail outside the nest and deposits a blob of waste. Prepackaged so the parent can easily grab and dispose of it outside the nest, it still smells. 

Back to sleep it is, until the next time she's hungry at least.

A few days later

"That's all there is to it, just make sure she doesn't get at your fingers." I finish explaining the trick to keeping your fingertips when feeding the chick. Delpha attempts to put it into practice, only to take fright at the speed of which the young Quetzal snaps at the piece of meat. 

"I-it's scary how fast she is." Delpha mutters as she tries again. I'd been worried that she wouldn't take food from anyone else, but it seems it doesn't matter who gives it, as long as it's given. "Have you thought of a name for her?" She asks as the baby scarfs down the piece she snatched from Delphas hand. 

"Not really... I'm bad at naming things" I admit. "I suppose me naming her wouldn't work either, with the whole Namer thing..." Delpha sighs. I could always ask the others what we should nickname the Quetzalcoatl, as they've all taken on nicknames of their own, though those were self chosen.

"We could always just wait for her to tell us what she prefer herself." I mention. Delpha nods, gently petting the baby as she starts to doze off after her meal. "I vote for Puyo until then." She adds. Named after her noises, which is honestly what I'd gone with myself. "I have no objections." I say as I get up to leave.

"I'll be back as soon as I'm done." I tell Delpha before I exit the cave. 

"Hi how can I-" The Guild Clerk freezes as she recognizes me. I've made sure to change up the humanoid form I use, opting for a Beastfolk female with Bihorn features, to hide the identity of the other one. Like this I'm known as the humanoid form preferred by the Great Monarch, and not Millibelle the Healer. 

The Clerk curtsies, flustered at my presence. "I'm looking for information on rare Pseudo Dragonoids, do you have any books or the like that could help?" I ask, not minding how people are treating me. A mix of fear and awe, no doubt aided by my Social Titles.

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