Chapter 31 - Studying the Fields

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~Content Warning: Violence to Humanoids.~

I wake early the next morning. I went to bed early, so I'm all rested up. I stretch and yawn, getting ready to head outside. I decide to keep my true form, just in case they want to do measurements or whatever before we head out to look for the Nokk and Gasts.

The sixth hilly was completed yesterday, so the Huldr slept in it instead of with me in the cave. I don't mind though, less chance of me accidentally crushing her when I sleep. I look over to the tents that the researchers have set up. Seems none of them have woken up yet. Oh well, I'll probably manage to go to the river for a morning drink before they're up.

As I meander through the forest, I take note of the distinct silence. The nocturnal monsters have just gone to bed, and the diurnal ones haven't woken up yet. It's very peaceful. In the dull gloom of the barely risen sun I make out the silhouette of a Troll, just having entered their Stone Forme.

I decide, why not, let's inspect them.

Species: Northern Troll (Goblinoid)(Rare)
Gender: Male
Status: Stone Forme (Normal)
HP: 7000/8000 (4000)
MP: 50/50
SP: 7500/8000 (4000)
Attack: 300
Armor: 420 (-100 Vs Light)
M.Attack: 50
M.Armor: 320 (-100 Vs Light)
Speed: 180

STR: 250
CON: 400
INT: 50
WIL: 300
DEX: 150

Language Comprehension: Goblin
(Normal) - Stone Forme (Normal - Unique(Northern Troll))
Damage Resistance: Physical (Normal) - Damage Resistance: Earth (Normal)
Condition Resistance: Paralysis (Lesser) - Condition Resistance: Poison (Normal)
Iron Gut (Lesser) - Mighty Punch (Lesser)
Heavyweight (Lesser) - Regeneration: HP (Great)
Teamwork (Lesser - Servant's Bond)

Social Titles: 
Om-Nom-ivore - New Life
Monarchs' Servant - Final Form

He's got some interesting Skills. I can tell that Iron Gut is an upgraded version of Hardy Digestion. Mighty Punch probably increases damage done with punches, similar to how Strong Legs do with kicks. Though I'm unsure of what Heavyweight does. Also, his HP and SP seem elevated?

*Heavyweight - Increases the attack of full body blows by 10% before Atc. Vs Arm. calculation.*
*Stone Forme - Activates automatically at dawn. Hardens the users skin into an immovable, stone-like material. Also doubles the users HP and SP for the duration. Deactivates when the sun sets.*

Oh, it's for body-slams? Or wrestling moves?? Does the Troll wrestle its opponents??? I guess the extra HP and SP is to prevent anything from killing them whilst they're defenseless...
Also, the Title, Om-Nom-ivore?

*Om-Nom-ivore - You try to eat most things you encounter, just in case it's edible. Makes others prone to insist that they, in fact, are not edible.*

... Well, I mean.
"Fuckin' amazing. Knew it was something like that."
Shush, you.

And the Troll is probably like the Hudlr, the bare minimum needed. I can just imagine a "natural grown" Northern Troll. Jeez. I shake my head and continue towards the river. 

Once I return to the grove, most of the others are up and about. Many of the researchers stiffen up when they spot me. I decide to ignore them. "Ah, Millibelle, I'd hoped to take some measurements and get a general appearance description down." Mina comes over to me, carrying a measuring tape and her notebook.

"Sure, I don't mind." I reply. Mina looks confused for a moment, before realizing. "Ah, Telepathy! I've never experienced it before, it's a bit jarring." She tells me as I lay down, letting her go about measuring me. "Careful with my scales, they're sharp." I warn her as she tries to lean on my scaly side.

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