Chapter 80 - Skilled Hunting

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Sakaya and I spend the rest of the day planning things with Myra. "It will take a week or so before we can begin. We'll need to set aside funding, plan out and localize the needed materials, and recruit workers." Myra informs once we've agreed on the location and design of the Church/Temple we're going to build.

We'll have to relocate some of the hillies the Gyger and Jotun live in to make room, but I'm confident they won't object too much, seeing as they probably would like to make some distance between their nests and the influx of humanoids that will no doubt be coming once the project is completed. 

We all rise and shake on the agreement. The Grand Priestess blushes as I take her hand, but I've become numb to her behavior at this point. I'll just go with the flow and bear it as best I'm able to. From what World Knowledge tells me, that seems to be the method that has the highest rehabilitation rate. 

Acting stand-offish or rude would just upset her as the schism in her mind that the Eros Delusion creates grows. So long as I don't initiate anything, I should be fine. 

"I think I'll be staying here tonight, though I worry for my retainer. Will they be all right spending the night with your Servants?" She fidgets with the sleeve of her dress as we stand outside the threshold of the Church. 

"I'm sure they'll be fine." I try to seem unphased about it, but secretly I worry for the mental well-being of the Trusted after all these events. I bow farewell to Sakaya before leaving the village. 

Setting my course towards the desert biome, my goal is to find a Flintermatch. They're nocturnal, so if there are any in my Domain, I'll find them more easily now that they're out and about. 

The temperature doesn't change all that much as I reach the border between the sand and the savanna, but the air is much drier here. It's not extremely cold yet as the sun's just set, but it will get colder as the night progresses. 

*Target found.*

Ah, there it is, that was fast. It's... kind of cute. It looks like a cross between a pine-cone and a bearded lizard, though it's the size of an alligator. Its tail is oddly shaped, looking like a flexible rod of metal covered in ridges. It pays no attention to me as it eagerly stalks a beetle the size of its head.  

The beetle notices its stalker, and makes a threat display, gnashing its mandibles in an attempt to frighten off the Flintermatch. In response, the Flintermatch makes a swiping motion with its left front limb, scattering its scales all around the beetle as a result. 


The oddly familiar sound of lighting a match accompanies the Flintermatchs' next move, as it quickly moves its odd tail across its back, lighting up the area with the sparks it creates. The sparks land on the scattered scales, and the light display seems to daze the beetle, as it doesn't even try to run away.

Several small explosions rock the unfortunate beetle as its legs are blown apart, leaving it utterly defenseless. Seems the Flintermatch has perfected the use of the Blaze Coat Skill. I discreetly cast Doom on the Flintermatch as it moves in for the kill. 

As much fun that it would be to go all out on this monster, I feel that it would be terribly one-sided. I don't think I like the feeling of desiring a proper fight. Even a sparring match with one of the Dragons could turn ugly fast if I was careless. Let's have a look at its info whilst I wait.

An Uncommon Reptileoid monster widely known for its unique fighting style. The scales on its front limbs detach easily, and the battlefield is quickly covered with them as a fight progresses. Once the trap has been set, the Flintermatch reveals its trump-card: Its tail. Using the iron stored in the ridged tail as a fire-starter, it quickly rubs it across its back, producing numerous high-temperature sparks. As these sparks connect with its scattered scales, the Blaze Coat enhanced scales violently explode, causing a cascade effect as the explosions might set of nearby scales. 
Its leg-scales are unsafe to handle, as even the smallest spark might cause them to explode, but the tail and back-scales are highly valued by smiths, who swear that the fires started with a Flintermatch tail and back burn hotter than normal fires.*
*Ranking: 4 Stars*

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