Chapter 94 - Wrath of the Onryoki

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"W-what did you do?!" Esmer shrieks at me, clutching her head. Ishmel hesitantly raises his weapon, a long and slender sword that seems to pulse with magic, towards me. The other Hunters also follow suit.

"I did nothing." I hiss as I hop backwards to dodge a bolt from the arbalest at the top of the tower. Getting up into the air, I get a birds-eye view of the monster currently plowing its way towards the Church. The Hunters run out of the building, intent on following me.

It's large, easily four meters (~13.1 feet~) tall, effortlessly pushing its way through the snow. Two large horns that glow a fierce red sit atop a head of long, silver white hair that seems to flow outwards and move about on its own, regardless of gravity. 

Its face is contorted in rage, with the teeth of its lower jaw jutting out, showing off two prominent tusks as well as many sharp teeth. Overall, it looks like an enlarged heavy-weight lifter, naked save for a loincloth. Its reddish skin is covered in boils and sores that converge to form the illusion of countless groaning faces in various expressions of rage and pain.

Finally, it has large chains wrapped around its arms, their ends fused to its flesh. As it spots the hunters, it lets out another roar and starts charging towards them.

*A Rare Eastern Spirit. It is created from the Mourning Air that forms above the graves of those that have been murdered, mistreated or abused, with the perpetrator still walking free. The more graves there are in close proximity that fit these criteria, the more powerful and vengeful the resulting Onryoki
Fights using its superior Strength and size to slam and pummel its prey, but will resort to using its claw-like nails if faced with a foe that is too big or too defensive to be easily bullied by strength alone. These nails carry the peculiar property of dealing Physical Dark Damage, a very rare phenomenon. 
Although it is possible to run an Onryoki out of HP, this will only dissipate its physical form. Over time, its anger and the grudges it bears will cause its scattered remains to coalesce back into a physical state once again, starting its rampage anew.
Only by appeasing its anger can an Onryoki be laid to rest. This usually involves tracking down the one(s) responsible for the death of the people who constitute the Onryoki, and punishing them for their crimes. Once the Onryoki is appeased, it will bestow a boon onto the one who helped it find peace before fading from the World, leaving no trace of its body behind.*
*Rank: 7 Stars*

"Mother above! It's an Onryoki!" Ishmel shouts in fear once he recovers from the onslaught of the monsters' roar. The other Hunters seem dazed by the roar, unable to recover as fast as Ishmel and thus unable to get out of the way of the rampaging Onryoki.

As I enlarge my body with Size Change, I swoop down towards the Onryoki. Seeing me approach, it gets its poise ready to intercept my charge. We end up in a shoving match, though the Eastern Spirit is easily outclassed by my monstrous Strength. 

With a push, I manage to get enough leverage to knock the Onryoki onto its side before quickly tethering it in place with my silk and further reinforcing the restraint with Dark Shackles. If this is to be solved, then it's better to keep them alive for now.

As the Onryoki struggles against my restraints, I turn towards the hunters. "Bring Esmer out here. I'm fairly certain she has something to do with this." I tell Ishmel. He nods hesitantly before motioning to one of the hunters. 

The hunter gives a nervous glance towards the struggling Onryoki before hurrying inside. Moments later, sounds of a struggle can be heard as they return, firmly gripping a very uncooperative Esmer by the upper arm.

"Let go of me! Why are you doing this?" She shouts, trying in vain to pull against the might of the hunter. The next set of protests catch in her throat though as the Onryoki and her lock eyes. Shock is evident in both of their faces, but whilst Esmers expression turns to fear, the Onryokis expression turns to blind rage.

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