Chapter 18 - Defending a Home

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~Hey so this chapter will contain some graphic descriptions, just in case you're not into that kind of thing!~

I decide to spend the next few days gathering materials and exploring the forest. As I walk by one of the many rivers, a distinct smell of ocean reaches my nose. It reminds me of hot summer days by the shoreline, when the heat makes the kelp and saltwater create a very distinct odor. 

Looking around for the source, I track it down to what, at first glance, looks like a steam boiler on legs. A head emerges from beneath the bulk of the body, and ornery eyes glare at me. What on earth are you? I inspect it.

Species: Alberger Tortoise (Reptileoid) (Uncommon)
Gender: Male
Status: Minion State: Docile (Grand)
HP: 50
MP: 30
SP: 100
Attack: 25
Armor: 200
M.Attack: 20
M.Armor: 200
Speed: 10

STR: 25
CON: 35
INT: 20
WIL: 40
DEX: 8

Steel Shell
(Great)  -  Damage Resistance: Heat (Normal)
Condition Resistance: Overheat (Normal)  -  Geovore (Great)
Strong Bite (Normal)  -  Sharp Beak (Normal)
Combustion (Normal)  -  Vent Heat (Lesser)
Boiling Breath (Normal)  -  Damage Resistance: Physical (Normal)

Social Titles:
Long Lived - Patient

*Alberger Tortoise
A strange Evolution of the Stone Tortoise. Utilizing stores of coal within itself, it heats water to create blasts of boiling water capable of shattering boulders. It then eats the resulting rubble. Sometimes used during warfare as a siege monster that crumbles walls with its devastating breath. The process of heating water within itself causes salt to accumulate beneath its shell, making it a prized source of the mineral inland. In addition, the hollowed out shell makes for excellent cookware that adds a hint of salt to any dish cooked with it.
Rank: 3 Stars*

Oho! It has salt! I need that! Curing, cooking, preserving... the possible uses for salt are endless! I make a move towards the Tortoise. It hisses at me. You shouldn't be too hard to take out though? Your HP is really low. I cast a Dark Bead at it. 

*Attacking this monster will cancel its status as your Minion.*

I don't think I can get at its shell without killing it though?

*Correct, please proceed.*

Oh, thanks for the go-ahead. The Dark Bead impacts against its shell, seemingly doing little damage at all. I doublecheck.

HP: 97% 

Eh? It barely touched it? 

*Your Magical Attack stat is very low compared to your Attack stat. This, and the Alberger Tortoise's Skills mean you do very little damage using magic.*

Ugh. Then I have to get physical, don't I? I really need to find and kill some intelligent things soon... 
My grumbling is interrupted by a "PHIIIII" sound emanating from the Tortoise. It sounds like a kettle blowing steam. Wait.

A blast of scalding water envelops me as the Alberger Tortoise fires off its Boiling Breath. Ah! It's HOT! IT'S HOT! I stumble backwards from the blast whilst dousing myself using Create: Water on myself. The temperature difference causes a fog of steam to cover the area. 

Ouch, ouch, ouch. I'm glad I have Heat resistance... I beat my wings to disperse the steam. Wait, where did the Tortoise go? I quickly track it, a blip appears to my side. I leap to the side just in time to avoid it taking a bite out of my flank. Sneaky bastard! 

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