Chapter 10 - Dungeon Delving

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I walk up to the big wooden doors that mark the original entrance to the keep. Pushing against them yields no result, the stone frame itself has warped.
Judging from the map, there is also a fair bit of rubble blocking the doors on the other side as well. Instead, I push aside a bush to find a well used hole. 

It's big enough that even a large human could easily crawl through on all fours. Making my way inside, it is pitch dark, only a small bit of the entrance is illuminated by the sunlight outside.
I can sort of make out shapes and forms in the dark, but I'll just end up tripping over things unless I light this place up somehow.
I cast Light (Normal).

The room I'm in is illuminated by a small orb of light hovering above my head, just out of the way so I don't get blinded by it. 
Inspecting the room, it seems to have been a sort of office? Rotten shelves once filled with paperwork or books lean against each other. Half a desk lies in a corner, seems the other half has been chewed away by tiny teeth. The floor is stone, although it is covered in a decent layer of dirt, dust and... blood? Here and there, a deep rusty brown color lies in splotches on the ground. 
doesn't seem to be anything of interest here, so I move on. 

I peek out through the doorway, the door is long gone though. To my left is just a lot of rubble, beyond that is the wooden doors from before. There is a corridor to the right, with a few more openings where I guess doors once were.
Making my way to the closest room, I keep an ear out for movement. I can vaguely hear something moving around somewhere, but it's too faint to make out the direction it is in.
As much as I'd love going in with my spear at the ready, I'm still too wobbly when walking on two legs, so instead I carefully make my way around on all fours. 

Standing in the doorway, I scan the room.
Another office? This one has the desk still in its original position, but its lopsided. I make my way around it to check if anything is behind it.
Just when I'm about to go behind the desk, my ears alert to a noise behind me. From out of the corner of my eyes a shadow leaps at me! 

I swivel around to face the aggressor, but there's nothing there? A wet "plap" announces that whatever it was missed me. Had it been aiming for where I was going to be? I turn around again. On the floor, near a corner, lays a... puddle? I inspect it.

Species: Slimeling (Celluloid) (Common)
Gender: NA
HP: 4/5
MP: 6/6
SP: 5/5
Attack: 2
Armor: 3 (-1 Vs Fire)
M.Attack: 3
M.Armor: 4 (-1 Vs Fire)
Speed: 10

STR: 2
CON: 2
INT: 3
WIL: 3
DEX: 8

Thick Mucous
(Lesser)  -  Rapid Digestion (Lesser)
Phagocytosis (Lesser)  -  Regeneration: HP (Lesser)
Regeneration: MP (Lesser)  -  Viscous Body (Lesser - Unique(Celluloid))
Elemental Affinity: Water (Lesser)  -  Hiding (Lesser)

Create: Water
(Lesser)  -  Water Beam (Lesser)

Social Titles:
Kin Killer - Cannibal

*A lesser form of the basic Slime. Usually found in great numbers in sewers and other moist places with plenty of organic matter to eat. If needed, Slimes can divide themselves into Slimelings to more easily escape predation. Each Slimeling then becomes a proper Slime once it has fed enough. Usually docile and not a threat to others. If not enough food is available the hungry Slimeling will start actively attacking anything that moves.*
*Rank: 1 Star (one), 3 Stars (A swarm of ten or more)*

I shield my face as a jet of water is shot towards me. The water harmlessly soaks the fur on my hand, not even dealing damage to me.
I almost feel sorry for the thing. It has to have had a hard time if it has social titles such as Cannibal. It fires another water beam. 

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