Chapter 116 - Building Faith

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I sit beside her grave, not quite able to realize just exactly what I've just done. My motions were made without any thought, and now I'm sitting by the grave of one of the few people who didn't fear Her when first meeting Us. I guess it hasn't sunk in yet?

Samantha is dead by my hand, even if it was to save her from agony.

I shake my head and am about to get up when I hear several sets of feet moving towards me. I recognize one set as belonging to Ame and Mabe, so the other must be...

"Where is she?!" Delpha shouts, her face red from exertion as well as anger. I wordlessly get up and step aside so she can see the grave. Delpha falls to her knees, no doubt hurting them on the hard winter soil. 

"You didn't even let me say goodbye!" Tears are streaming down her cheeks. "She was the closest thing I ever had to family! And you- you just snatch her away and- and-" She sputters, too angry and begrieved to form coherent words anymore. 

Before I know it, a rock- picked up from the ground- is hurtling towards me. If I let it hit me, Delpha might get hurt if it shatters on impact, but if I dodge it... 

I liquefy the part of me that's about to be hit, trapping the rock in my body. It quickly disappears, digested by Geovore. Ame and Mabe give a hiss, I'm not certain as to towards which of us. "W-Why..." Delpha sobs, her body curled in on itself as if she's lost all will to keep herself from getting cold and wet from laying in the slush.

I look at her, uncertain as to what to do. I doubt even Millibelle would know. "Do you want me to stay here, or do you want me to leave?" I ask, even if the question is so awkward it makes my skin itch. 

"..." Delpha worldlesly shuffles up to me, still on her knees, before wrapping her arms around me. I quietly reposition ourselves so that she's sitting off the ground, and let her cry her heart out. 

I ended up carrying Delpha back to her house, after she cried herself into a deep sleep. The Servants who prefer staying close to Yggdrasil meet me at the edge of the grove, curious as to what is going on. 

"Where Gramma?" Bug asks. He in particular was fond of the old woman, and often accompanied her whenever she left the grove. 

"She's at peace now." I reply. Several of the gathered goblins chatter curiously between themselves, not quite intelligent enough to understand what I'm implying with that statement. A few Gyger helpfully explain, and a somber atmosphere settles onto the grove. 

"But... Master make Gramma live again? Yes?" Bug hopefully asks. 

I shake my head. "She didn't want that. Humanoids are weird like that. They don't like Undead, much less the thought of becoming one." 

Bug, as well as many other Jotun, make disgruntled noises. "But it big honor! Serve Master forever!" One Jotne exclaims. 

"She wasn't my Servant, though. She was a friend, and she didn't want to become an Undead. That was her choice, and I couldn't bring myself to force her." My reply seems to reach some of them. If I had ignored her wishes, all I'd end up with was an angry and vengeful Hitodama with Samantha's personality.

Pathetic mews grab my attention. It's Ammit, and she's prodding the packed snow outside the cave, seemingly reluctant to actually step out into the cold. She stops her pawing and, somehow, makes the most kitten-like squeak at me. 

Right, she's a desert dweller. And also adorable. 

I leave the Servants and enter the cave, Ammit happily trotting after me. She's probably hungry, but I don't think she'll be able to eat her fill on our winter rations... Share Nutrients it is then. Once she's sated, I spend the rest of the day resting with her.

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