Chapter 5 - Patrolling

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The days turned to weeks, which turned to months.
It took us two whole months to finish renovating the cave. But it was well worth it. Now, instead of small alcoves on the way to the main hall, there are six rooms. Three on each side of the main tunnel, each room having space for five goblins to live comfortably. 

Once you get to the main hall there are seven more rooms. one is larger, and is meant to be the new nursery. Placed at the innermost part of the cave, it means the eggs and hatchlings will be much safer than they were before. 

We've also gotten some new residents. They're not goblins though. Apparently, once we added enough reinforcement to the cave, it began to be counted as a mine. And naturally occurring in mines in this world are creatures called "Tommyknockers". 

*A kind of sprite (an elemental attuned to two or more elements) attuned to Light and Earth. They appear in mines, regardless of who made them. The gem on their head provides light, and their sensitive tail is constantly touching and investigating the ceiling around the crossbeam they make their home. If they sense instability or an imminent collapse of the mine, they start knocking their tail against the crossbeam, creating a distinctive "tom tom tom" sound, which is how they get their name. Humanoids have a hard time seeing the Tommyknocker or its light, but can hear their warning knocks just fine. due to this, many miners believe that their knocking is the cause of cave-ins, not a warning that a cave-in is imminent*
*Ranking: 1 star*

They're very cute. They look like mice with a pearl on their head, with a long prehensile tail that has a hard but sensitive tip. Their ambient light is a great bonus, and they're kind enough to turn it off when we're sleeping.

In other news, Brutus has evolved into a warrior! Not that I was particularly surprised at his choice. I don't think he had the stats or skills for any of the other possibilities.
Blue has... well, we're not sure. The gatherers complain that he just vanishes for the entire day before coming back just before the group heads to the cave, with nothing gathered. I worry about him. Hes already in a poor social situation because of his stature. 

I've been too busy with helping renovate the cave to actually work on my evolution. My stats are good enough, but I still need a few more skills before I'm eligible for Evolution. I need to work on my Heal and Cure spells and somehow get a hold of a damage resistance Skill.

Goblin evolution has a few possibilities, but each individual is usually destined for one, regardless of their own desire. It's more or less chosen by their genetics. There's the warrior, the rogue, the shaman, the archer, and the warlock. Whilst the shaman is more of an utility spell-caster, with heals and buffs and debuffs, the warlock is an offensive spell-caster with affinity for many kinds of elements, usually Fire, Earth, Water and Air.   

My build seems to have veered onto the path of the Shaman. Not that I mind, I prefer when people around me are happy and healthy. I do however wonder how it will affect the power dynamics in the tribe. 

Any one tribe usually only has one shaman or one warlock which act as the leader. If a new shaman or warlock evolves, they end up in a power struggle with each other, where the tribe either fragments into two, or the new shaman/warlock overthrows the old one. 
Rarely though, if the new shaman/warlock shows submission, they instead get the post of "second in command" and the tribe stays whole. I'd much rather have the last outcome, but it all depends on the old shaman accepting my submission.

As there wasn't really much more I wanted to accomplish in the maintenance group, I joined the scouts. I want to explore more of the forest that is my home, and also maybe get to kill some new things, preferably with cool and useful Skills. 

Reincarnated as a random race, of course I got goblin.Where stories live. Discover now