Chapter 1 - Hatching Day

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As I agree to the "terms and conditions" of my new life, the world grows bright and hazy. God vanishes into a blur along with the platform we were standing on. Then everything goes dark, and I think I fell asleep.

In a forest of ill repute


I wake up.
It's still dark around me, but I think that is because I'm inside an egg? Not dissimilar to that of a snake, with a pliable and leathery texture to it. I try moving around, no use. My limbs are restricted by the confines of the egg, and I lack the strength to pierce the shell with them. 

I can hear muffled noises next to me. Are they my nest mates? I seem to recall that crocodile and alligator babies make noises to tell the mother that they've hatched. Is this what those noises are? Maybe I should try to make noise too, so that Mother will come to my aid? I open my mouth.

Eck! As I opened my mouth a section of the egg moved into it! Hold on... I pause and think things over. Most egg-laying creatures are born with something along the lines of an "egg tooth" that is used to get out of the egg. I try chewing the piece of egg in my mouth, its as if it wasn't there at all, my super sharp teeth slice right through!

I make a small hole through which to observe my new world. I don't see much, just an indistinguishable mass of green and gray-green right in front of my window to the world. I'm guessing someone is right next to my egg and blocking my view. 

Oh well... I maneuver the eggshell back into my mouth and start chewing to make the hole bigger. Before long I've made a big enough hole for me to wiggle my way out of.

Once free of my egg, I try to look around. Seems like most of the world is a mess of blurry colors... Ah, of course. My eyes haven't had time to focus yet and/or are not quite ready yet. 
Waiting for my eyes to adjust, I inspect the mobility of my body. I seem to have feet? I kick out.

"GREH!" I hit something/someone and they yelped in surprise. Most likely not pain as I managed to kick with the force of... uh, some sort of weak newborn baby. Okay, we got legs and they can kick. Next up: Arms? I have... HANDS. HOLY HECK I HAVE HANDS YEEEEES!

So, I am some sort of humanoid that hatches from eggs? Clearly not close to earth, this new World of mine. 

Using my newly discovered hands I investigate my face. I have a mouth. I already knew that though... I inspect my teeth. Seems that other than sharp incisors to get through the egg with, I am toothless. For now I hope. I can feel jagged bumps along my gums though, so the rest of my dentures should grow in soon enough. 

Moving up, I have a nose. Its not terribly long, and seems to be human-like, probably to aid in holding your breath underwater. Maybe. Heck if I know. 

I move further up my face, and get to my eyes. They're larger than that of a human, proportionally I mean. They also seem to be covered in some sort of slime, along with the rest of my body. Oh, of course, I'm still covered in "egg-white", the stabilizing fluid in an egg. 

I wipe the gunk off as best as I can with my weak noodle arms. Seems being newborn is tiring work. I look around again. AHA! Things are still blurry, not unlike in my old body, where I needed glasses to focus properly on things a distance away. But it's no longer a smear of blurry colors.

What I do see is a box? Not really a box but more of a square enclosure that me and my nest mates occupy. The floor is lined with dry grass and tufts of fur, scraps of cloth and the dried remnants of what I suspect is old egg-shells. I inspect my nest mates. 

They're... Goblins? Greenish skin that seems to be covered in a thin layer of hair, not unlike velvet? Long floppy ears, something like a hybrid of long elf-ears and those bunnies that have ears that hang down, I think they were called lops? Anyway. Big shiny eyes with slit pupils and a blueish iris. The iris covers most of the visible eye, but the sclera is black from what I can discern. (~the sclera is the scientific name of the white part of the eye - author~)

I cannot believe it. I reincarnated as a... as a GOBLIN? The lowest ranking cannon fodder enemy in most RPGs? The kind that in some settings kidnap females of other races to carry their children? 

My blood runs cold when I think of this. But I can't imagine how me hatching from an egg carries into the equation of a human being forced to carry and birth me. Did she somehow lay eggs after a while???

As my head and heart aches at the moral issues my potential method of conception bring, a voice calls out. Not out loud, though, in my head.

*Innate Knowledge of the World Skill activated*
*You have encountered Goblins, and will now gain the innate knowledge about this Kind of monster*

*The base form that all Goblinoids hail from. Highly mutable genetics allow for Evolution into a wide variety of monsters that can fill any niche of an ecosystem. Omnivore, prefers meat.
Like all monsters, hatches from eggs, with a gestation period of 2 months. Once hatched, a goblin reaches 75% of its adult size within a week, after which it will be sexually mature at 1 year old (species has both male and female members). Forms tribal communities led by a Shaman or Warlock with a territory that they defend at all costs from other goblin tribes, or try to defend from Kobold tribes, if they share a habitat.*
: 2 Stars (alone) 3 Stars (patrol of 3-4 individuals) 5 Stars (a nest of Goblins)*

Ah...ha? So, good news, I'm not the product of inter-species rape. Thank God. But what the heck is this about a Skill??? I mean, I do remember that God gave me a Skill that would let me know everything about the new World. But that it would tell me like this??? 

Also, what gender is this body? I was female in my previous life, I'd hate to be male in this one. I'd sure not miss the periods (do Goblins have periods?) though.

*Goblin females do not have periods, but they do experience "heat" in which they are extra fertile. This occurs around the middle of winter.*

Thank you, World knowledge. But how do I know my gender? I inspect my privates. Smooth, no little son here. So, I'm female?

*Male Goblins have visible genitalia, females do not.*

Thank God. It would be so confusing if I was male. 
While I've had my own personal moral crisis and learnt of the species I've reborn as, most of my nest mates... siblings?

*Goblins raise their young communally, with no distinction between who is the biological parents or the adopted ones. This similarly goes for siblings as well.*

So uh. hmm. Siblings I guess. They've all hatched, it seems. My head is starting to spin from all the noise they're making. Wait a minute, seems there's one left.

I scoot towards the edge of the enclosure we're in. An egg, slightly smaller than the others, is laying a small distance from the rest of the mass of baby Goblins. It seems to wiggle slightly, but not with the vigor needed to actually achieve anything with it. I'm still a distance away from it, my little body tiring out from the exercise. I flop onto my stomach and army crawl towards the egg.

After what felt like running a mile, I make it to the egg. In the time it took me the wiggling has lost even more energy, its only occasionally moving in there now. Inspecting it, I listen for noises from the egg. Muffled grunts filter through, though they're very weak and more like little "meh"s.

Seems they're having issues getting out, and I'm not too sure if they have long left before its too late for them. 

*Goblin eggs that lay on the outside of the clutch have an increased chance of not hatching/the baby being too weak to break out before they run out of energy. Adult Goblins do not interfere in the hatching process and will ignore eggs that are too weak to hatch on their own.*

So, unless I help them somehow, they'll die...
I move the egg closer to me, and grab a fold in it, making sure there's nothing between the shells I could damage when biting into it. I then slowly and methodically start chewing the egg open.

Before long, I roll a fatigued little goblin boy out of his eggshell. He seems off. Like, not just because he almost died before even hatching, but also because instead of some variant of green, he is milky blue. Is it because he lacked oxygen? Because he was on the outside of the clutch? I pause to wait for my Skill to answer. No answer. So I guess there's some things even the Skill isn't able to answer. 

I let out a big yawn. Seems scooting around and saving siblings from an early death is tiring work for such a little body. I curl up next to the little blue Goblin and fall sound asleep.

Reincarnated as a random race, of course I got goblin.Where stories live. Discover now