Chapter 53 - Recap: War and Summoning

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*The Harmekians have been hesitant to attack Parshura, knowing full well that once you awaken, their forces- weakened from fighting the Parshuran army- would be completely decimated by you. They instead bide their time, and it has come now as the Spring is finally done Purifying the Malice.*

*As the defending party, Parshura awaits the attack of Harmek, an preemptive strike would be considered dishonorable according to tradition. The last thing King Dervix needs right now is other countries taking issue with his handling of Harmeks aggression.*

I feel a powerful surge of Magic reverberate through the Dream.


*The Hero has been successfully Summoned.*

*... As the Skill, Innate World Knowledge, I am unable to give detailed information on them until you meet them. It would violate several agreements made between the Divine. I apologize, Great Monarch.*

A Summoned Hero's POV

"Haaah, what a lovely night." I sigh to myself as I make my way through the cobbled streets of the capital. I readjust the rucksack I'm carrying. It's heavy from all the books within it. To think, even someone without a Talent could get into the Academy.

It takes a lot more effort on my part, of course, but my grades are good, and once I graduate I'm guaranteed a job back in my hometown. Things surely are looking up! 
I take a calculated risk and go into an alleyway to shorten the route between the Academy and my housing.

Just as I enter, a bright light engulfs me. I cry out with surprise as everything is bathed in a blinding rainbow aura. I feel the weight of the rucksack leave me, and slowly the light fades.

I dare open my eyes just a little, my ears flat against my head and my tail puffed up in alarm. Before me stands two people I've never seen before. Both of them radiate an aura of power. I can only liken it to when the Great King Hero glanced my way during last years Celestial Parade. These two are even stronger than him!

Their pose is odd... well, now that my eyes have recovered from the light, their entire being is odd. They seem to be wearing masks? I can't determine the gender of either of them, but one is clad in white and gold, the other in black and silver. They're standing next to each other, un-moving except for their breathing, holding the palm of one of their hands up to the others.

"Greetings, Hero." They speak in near unison, creating a singular, echoing voice. Like their looks, I'm unable to judge gender on their voices either. "We are the Envoys of the Divine, here to aid you in completing your Summoning." They bow in unison, but do not move the hands that are pressed against the others. 

"I am Imera, Envoy of Light." The white and gold clad one speaks alone. "I am Nychta, Envoy of Dark" The black and silver clad one speaks alone. "Together, we represent the Divine of Light and Dark, Good and Evil." They take a pause, and to my alarm, their heads swivel on their necks as if they were puppets. Once their heads have done a full rotation, their mask-like expressions of a polite smile have changed to that of a questioning look.

Divine of Light? Like, that Divine? But I've never heard of the Divine of Light associating with the one of Dark, nor these 'Envoys'...

"Your name?" They ask. I hesitate. "Shouldn't you know that already?" I ask. Their heads swivel again, their expressions becoming bemused smiles. "We do. But it's rude to not introduce oneself." Their tone shifts ever so slightly, making it clear I have no choice.

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