Chapter 109 - Interlude

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The next day
Shadow's POV

"... And that concludes the report of the events that transpired last night." Bunsen finishes the report given to the Throne's Aide, not unlike the Harmekian Council, but with less overall power. Given the dire nature of last night's event, a full meeting has been convened.

Prime Minister Kalim, as well as Chief Auron Eaglecrown and Matron Kantarra Argenfeather arrived just this morning, and are also present. Their expressions are grim, and occasionally one of them glances over to Dervix with a look of contempt. Foreign Minister Seul is also present. 

I'm unable to tell who is more pale, Dervix or Seul. The experience yesterday certainly took a toll on poor Seul. 

"Third Crown Prince Argon Amberroux will be put to trial, his name struck from the royal records. His co-conspirators, Antellion Gladeswell and Stagnian Harrowfang, are unfit to stand trial. Wasperin Keelswell was killed at some point during the event, we don't know by who." Bunsen summarizes. 

He then gives a glance towards Dervix, who nods before getting up. He takes a shaky breath before beginning to speak. "I'm sure you all have realized, that what happened last night is my fault. It was I who created the Control Diadem." An angry murmur sweeps through the room, but is quickly hushed.

"My intention with its creation was always that it'd be a last resort, if the Great Monarch ever became hostile towards the Kingdom for any reason. I realize now that my own selfish desires clouded my view of the Monarch, who always acted in good faith with me and any other humanoids she ever met. The Control Diadem was an overblown reaction to a problem that would most likely never happen." He pauses, gathering his thoughts once again.

"It is clear to me, and to the other nations, that I am not fit to be your ruler any longer. However, my chosen successor is not yet of age, and our Kingdom is in the middle of a delicate political situation, hence the presence of the leaders of our neighboring nations." A quiet mumbling, once again quickly hushed.

"I will remain as Acting King until the time that my successor is of age, and ready to take the throne. Once they are ready, I will abdicate willingly. Does any of the Throne's Aide have any objections to this?" He sweeps his gaze over the twelve or so people that constitute the Throne's Aide, his face pale and damp with cold sweat. 

There's a long quiet, a sign that there are no objections. If anything, Dervix should be grateful that other than this massive mistake, he's ruled fairly and to the benefit of the Kingdom. If not, I suspect he'd be ousted immediately. 

"I thank you for your trust in me." In an outstandingly rare move, he bows to the people present. Many are nodding in satisfaction, if he hadn't been humble, people might raise complaints afterwards, or become difficult to work with for him. 

"What of the Control Diadem?" One person asks.

"The Monarch took it apart, then ate the components to ensure there wouldn't be any possibility of reassembling it. Do not worry, it is completely eliminated." Bunsen responds as Dervix sits back down.  

Bunsen looks over the people gathered in the room before announcing the end of meeting. I catch a few snippets of conversation as people file out of the room.

"I'm sure they know who killed Wasperin. I mean, the throne room was barricaded-"
"Not here. Meet me later."

"Unfit to stand trial? And Argon is? Something's up with that." 
"I think the Monarch had to do with it. After all, why else would Argon willingly remove the Diadem?"

"I hope Actvi recovers soon. It just feels wrong when he isn't by the King's side, with that little monster on his head."
"I hear Argon did a number on him... Curse that prat."

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