World's Encyclopedia III: Arcanum

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The World is filled with Magic. It has several states, or Elements, and a minimum amount of Magic is needed for life (or unlife) to exist. Those with the Affinity for it can use Magic to cast Spells, which cause wondrous phenomena to manifest. 

Each of the Eight Divine represent one of the Eight Base States, or Prime Elements, and the general consensus is that Magic comes from the Divine. It is the source of life in this World, though it can also be the cause of great ruin if mishandled.

This volume of the World's Encyclopedia seeks to give an overview of the fourteen (two of which are only theoretical) Elements found in this World, the Divine, a brief explanation on Statuses, particularly those closely linked to Magic and finally the dangers of Magic and a few theories around the true nature of the enigmatic Malice. 


What is a Spell?
A Spell is a wondrous effect caused upon the World via the act of Casting. They are important for many things, but most often one meet Spells at the receiving end, particularly fighting Monsters.

Three things are required in order to harness Magic. First, the correct Affinity. Secondly, one needs to know a Spell of an Element one has Affinity with, and lastly, enough Magic Power (or MP) to manifest the Spell. Once all three conditions are met, one can cast a Spell. The effects of Spells are varied, and rise in power and efficiency as one practices them, featuring a similar Tier System to Skills.

A collection of Skills that grant the ability to learn and cast Spells of an Element. With enough practice, ones Elemental Affinity might become Elemental Expertise. There is also the Rank of Elemental Mastery, though it is almost entirely exclusive to the Elder Dragons. Humanoids simply do not live long enough to reach high enough Skill Expertise with the Skills, and most Monsters do not practice their Magic in order to improve, merely using it as they need. 

In order to learn the Elemental Affinity for the Secondary Elements, the Affinity for their component Elements are required. For example, in order to learn Plant Element Spells, one needs to have the Affinity for both Life and Earth. In the case of Lighting, the lone Tertiary Element, one needs Affinity in Light, Fire, Heat and Air, making it a particularly challenging Element to acquire. 

Upon first acquiring an Affinity, one automatically gains the knowledge of how to cast the two most basic Spells associated with that Element. More Spells can be learned through study and practice, and particularly talented Mages might create variations on the established Spells. A true savant might even create entirely new Spells altogether. 

There are four Spell-casting Techniques. These special Spells combine two Elements to create effects that harmonize with the nature of the component Elements, though they do not create a new Element altogether. Bolster, Weaken, Illusion and Curse are the names of these Spell-casting Techniques. 

There are also Spells that combine multiple Elements without the use of a Technique. Most all of the known Spells of this kind are considered taboo to learn and use, though many monsters employ them without concerns of what us humanoids might think of them for doing so. Because of the forbidden nature of these Spells, the author will not further elaborate on their names or effects.

Casting a Spell:
As discussed previously, one needs the Affinity to learn the Spell, but then how does one cast it? By drawing on one's storage of internal Magic, MP, one can attune the neutral MP into the required Element(s) before emitting it as a Spell. Trying to draw MP without casting a Spell is highly dangerous, as it might harm the Arcanovascular system, a secondary set of veins within the body that carries MP.

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