Chapter 117 - Enacting Hope

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"... And that's when I returned here." I finish giving the report of what happened to the leaders. Omitting the fate of Samantha, as I highly doubt they'd care anyway, I've faithfully retold the events of the previous day.

"So, you're certain that the Maker of the Fifth Demigod was a humanoid?" Kalim asks, his brow furrowed and a hand to his chin as he leans in to examine the recording gem I've set out on the table for them to see. 

"From Yggdrasil's description of them, as well as the testimony of the Thunder-Lord Kechi, the probability that they're not a humanoid is incredibly slim. Additionally, the Celestial Marble that once constituted the Divine Spring at Crimsnow Glacier was broken apart with a weapon." I respond.

Although there are monsters that wield weapons, notably Goblinoids and some Eastern Spirits, World Knowledge specifically said it was used by a humanoid. And besides, if the Fifth Maker- as we've taken to calling him- wasn't a humanoid, but instead a monster, their attack on the other Demigods wouldn't have been necessary.

"But the power necessary to damage Celestial Marble... And to fight and win against the other Makers when they were no doubt aided by their own Demigods... It's beyond the power even Fated Heroes hold!" Kantarra's eyes are wide, nervous, as she protests my theory. 

"Perhaps it is beyond the power of Heroes of today. I've heard tales of the eight Heroes who slew the True Tyrant. With how the power of any kind of Monarch grows for each kill, to contend against a beast that has wiped out countless villages in the time before the confrontation..." I remind them. 

Something happened between the time of the Fifth Maker and now, and as a result, humanoids are weaker than they used to be. The True Tyrant rose before the advent of the Makers and the Demigods, so the Heroes that fought it were much stronger, they had to be- or else they'd been vaporized by the power of the True Tyrant.

The leaders all look down, most of them with faces of regret. "But why? What would possibly be gained from wiping out the other Demigods?" Dervix asks. Of all of those present here, he is possibly the most business-minded, that much has become evident in my interactions with him.

"Monsters don't die of old age, humanoids do. As long as the Maker is alive, a Demigod can survive- even if they have no source of Faith. From what I've been able to understand about the lost Element the Fifth Demigod represented, it has something to do with disease or poison. It's possible that the Demigod even affected its Maker negatively." I pause, weighing the options and trying to decide on the most likely one.

"Either, his goal was to remake the other Demigods, to force them to share their Faith with the Fifth. Or... They needed the Faith for something other than powering the Fifth Demigod. After all, the Fifth Maker couldn't have been too close to death with how they were able to hold their own against the others." My answer elicits confused stares. 

"I have it on good authority that the techniques of Weapon Twisting and Armor Warping were created by the Fifth Demigod. I'm sure you are all aware of the methods of these techniques." I have confirmation from the All-Mother Herself, but I can't just say We've spoken to Her directly. They would probably not believe me, and it would possibly harm Our credibility.

Auron grimaces as he pensively reaches for the ceremonial shortsword that is his badge of office. It's Twisted, the blade made out of Gilded Eagle talons layered with flight feathers from the same monster. 

"I'm not sure I follow, Millibelle, what does Weapon Twisting have to do with Faith?" Sakaya asks, even though I can sense the pieces beginning to fall into place for her. 

"When you Twist a weapon, you cycle your own MP, Magic, through the item. This temporarily undoes quite a few laws that both the weapon and item you want to add onto it obey normally. Then, you use your Magic to fuse the two into one, and the weapon is all the stronger for it." I pause for dramatic effect.

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