Chapter 135 - Soul Sight

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I jolt awake, properly this time. Luckily for me, it seems the others are still out cold from... whatever it was I did. But why?


The only reason I can think of as why everyone fell unconscious when I released the Soul imprisoned in the Soul Prism. Seeing a Soul laid bare like that is Taboo, and anyone who was in danger of witnessing it were knocked out to prevent that.

I draw a deep breath, steadying myself mentally before summoning some water with which to wash away the blood covering my freshly healed arm. The bare ground where I fell unconscious was already so torn up from the fight with the Cryptic Chimera that it's impossible to tell I've spilt more blood onto it.

With my act of self harm covered up, I take stock of the situation. Here's hoping the people bound to me are okay.

"They're fine. I made sure."

Shadow informs. One worry taken care of, then.

Looking around me, the others start to stir. Even the as-of-yet unnamed Frost-Jeweled Conifer was rendered inert by the event.


I see it too... Though faint, it's clear that everyone now posesses a strange pearlescent orb somewhere in their body. Hovering just behind each orb like a halo is a strange shape that spins, twists and rearranges itself in a rhythmic fashion, the movement speeding up and losing rythm as the monsters around me wake up.

<Uwaa- What happened?> Bloody Mary groans as she reconstitutes herself, the fluid surrounding her body now full of muddy particulate after splashing to the ground when she fell unconscious.

The other monsters are also looking around and muttering amongst themselves in confusion. Thorn-Cutter slithers up to me, quickly sizing me up with a critical gaze.

"Master, I told you to be careful! What if that thing had hurt the sapling!" She chides, the halo-like shape behind her orb flares into a corona of spikes as she works herself up. "We're lucky it was so easily dealt with... though, why did we all fall unconscious?" She huffs before tilting her head in curiosity.

"I'm not too sure, either..." I shrug, trying to hide my confusion as best I can. Something definetively happened to their memories... I continue to ponder as I start helping with the reconstruction. What little of the future Temple that was set up was demolished in the fight between me and the Chimera.

"We should be happy, it's really convenient none of them seem to remember the fight. And before you ask, no. I have no clue what's happening either."

*Alert: [Taboo Protocol] Enacted. User is currently posessing [Taboo Protocol] Exemption Status <Source: Soul Prism>. No action has been taken towards the User.*

So I was correct. The World edited their memories to cover up the entire thing... Somehow, I feel less reassured of our plan now that I know this.

"You think the Demigod of Cold is bad news?"

I'm not sure. We don't know why the Cryptic Chimera was made- what threat it was supposed to protect them against. Seeing as it survived the encounted with Malice's Maker, yet the Divine Spring was destroyed and seemingly the monster that Made it as well...

"Perhaps he fled once he destroyed the Divine Spring and its Maker? Too bad we can't ask the Chimera. Didn't seem like the sharpest bulb in the shed."

I consider for a moment. Indeed, I might be able to revive the Soul that was trapped in the Soul Prism, but I don't think they'd know much. Raised Undead retain little of their former memories, existing only as vague inclinations and odd habits they perform.

And the formation of a Hitodama requires a Humanoid Will. Since it didn't transform into one once I took control of it, it's sourced from a monster. In other words, it's a dead end for information.

I sigh wearily. Currently, I'm on break to recover my MP by order of Norori. Laying beside the Frost-Jeweled Conifer's trunk, I look on as the others continue their work. I could have been helping them whilst still recovering my MP, but I suspect there's another reason I was told to rest...

"Would you've been comfortable doing your work if the Prime Minister was helping you?"

Shadow asks rhetorically as she makes us stretch and get comfortable.

Nah, I'd be nervous as hell. Which is fair, I suppose. Now that I have some time to relax, if only for an hour or so, I decide to double check my Status. Or, specifically, what on earth I got just before I got knocked out. No way am I looking at the whole thing. It's giving me a headache just considering it.

*Soul Seer (True - Unique): A wise person once said that once you gaze long enough into the Abyss, the Abyss will gaze back. The holder of this Skill is able to see the Soul of entities around them. User can see through any Skill or Spell that would otherwise conceal another entitys presence.*

Ah, this explains at least some of what I've been seeing. I'm guessing the pearlescent orb is the Soul, but what of the 'halo'?

On a whim, I look myself over, trying to see if I might be able to spot my own Soul somewhere in my body. No dice though.

I mean, I get it. Being able to see your own Soul would probably break a few things, something something feed-back loop or something. 

I yawn and stretch. Perhaps a nap would help, I'm awfully tired after everything that happened today.


I ended up sleeping for several hours. How? No-one dared to wake me, was the official story. But I suspect they were worried, especially Norori. They've personally seen me push myself to my limits, only sleeping a few hours after several days of being awake and working on the Labyrinth.

And even then, I only slept because I needed to recover MP anyway.

The fate of this World rests upon a select few people, and I am one of them. If doing this increases our chances even a little, it's worth it.

I clench my fists with renewed determination to quickly finish the Divine Spring.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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