Chapter 129 - Pentad of Guardians

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The next day, there's a big commotion as four of the five Quartz Deer who've been feeding off of Yggdrasil's sap Evolved. Seems the creation of a second sapling triggered it, but it's difficult to be certain. 

I'm currently worrying over the fifth, who's yet to finish their Evolution. Given the theme of the other four, I fear the worst, even if World Knowledge assures me they will be fine. 

I turn from the luminescent form of the Evolving Quartz Deer in an attempt to bury my worry deep down along with the other hundred worries that have sprouted since the appearance of the Void Sealing Light.

Let's... let's try to distract ourselves with learning about the four others...

The first to Evolve was the Garnet Dromedary. It looks much like a dromedary from my old World, but instead of a hump of fatty tissue, there's a large red crystal growing from its spine. If the light catches just right, you can even glimpse parts of the internal organs through the gem. 

*Garnet Dromedary
A Rare Mammaloid monster that's seldom sighted due to its reclusive nature. Preferring solitude, they wander the inhospitable Yo'ud desert, only rarely deigning to let a humanoid get close enough to see them clearly. Known as the 'mirage gem of the sand', even small fragments of the colossal crystal housed in the monsters body are worth enough that one would never need to worry about money ever again should one find one. 
It's said that there exists a hidden oasis somewhere deep in the Yo'ud desert where the Garnet Dromedaries meet to breed. Uncountable fools have been lost to the desert in the search for this fabled place.
There are scant few reliable reports of how the Garnet Dromedary fights, but the common thread is that the oppressive heat of the desert becomes even more potent when the monster is angered, and it prefers to blind its opponent before fleeing. 
Due to its rarity, even incomplete Garnet Dromedary parts are worth a fortune, and confer Heat damage or protection depending on how they're used.*
*Rating: 4 Stars (speculative)*

Its piercing red eyes are somewhat hidden behind thick eyelids furnished with luscious lashes perfect for keeping sand out of the eyes. A grumbling rumble issues as it approaches me, reaching out with its mind. 

"I greet you, Your Majesty. I, Suori, southbound Guardian, give my thanks for allowing my kin shelter and an opportunity to serve the Divine." The large beast cranes its neck down in a bow of sorts. "I have been given the task of protecting the Ashmarrow tree as well as the still slumbering Demigod of Heat. If I may be so bold, could you use your power to send me to my charge?"

Suori blinks slowly, their voice mellow and deep. If they already have a name... Did the Divine name them?

*Given the current situation, the Divine have decided on a much more proactive method of protecting things important to the World Balance. By having been Named by the Divine, Suori will be able to Evolve one final time into a Royal Beast. These are special monsters which serve a divine purpose.*

I guess they'd be world bosses if this was a game... 

"Your Majesty?" Suori tilts their head at me, curious about my silence.

"Pardon. There's a lot on my mind lately. I'll Teleport you now." I shake my head in an attempt to clear my thoughts. I reach out my hand to cast the Spell, and with a flash of light the Garnet Dromedary vanishes from the cave. 

Two large monsters take their place, both curiously sniffing at the ground where Suori stood just moments ago. One is a large elk, its antlers gleaming in a verdant emerald glow even in the half-light of my den. The other is a even bigger muskox, its horns a jagged bloom of some sort of blue-grey mineral. 

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