Chapter 26 - Escorting The Captives

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Before going to bed for the night, I hurry over to the village. True to its word, World Knowledge has left a perimeter of around a kilometer around the village clear of the forest. The road leading into it is also spared my Lairs expansion. 

I should probably see if I can prevent the forest from expanding like this again. Covering the plains in forest is just going to upset the ecosystem, I fear. I announce myself to the guard, and before long I have an audience with the village leader, Myra. I explain the situation to her. 

"Hm... We currently don't have the manpower to escort them to the capital." Her face wrinkles in thought. "Besides, if it is true they are of the Aurellium, then they will no doubt be sprung free by their comrades." "I know that, but what if I escorted them?" Myra pauses to consider my suggestion.

"What would you do with their comrades?" She asks, looking me in the eyes. I can feel her Skill poking about. Is this what it's like to be inspected? "If possible, capture them as well. The more captives, the harder it will be for the Middle to get them all free without outing themselves." The old woman smiles. "Then we will prepare another cart for you to put them in. Bring them here tomorrow, and we will be ready to send them off."

I say my goodbyes. As I leave, I overhear (through a nearby companion monster) Myra muttering something about "Finally, a decent blow to those vermin.". Seems she has history with the Aurellium. Though if their reach is as widespread as I suspect, most families would have some beef with them.

Now, for the escort. It would seem odd if there was just an empty prisoner cart. It would definitively tip them off that something is up. Therefore, some trickery should be employed. As I walk through the forest, I call out to the Draugr. Shambling out of the darkness, a few humanoid shapes fall in line behind me. More follow.

Before long, I have a trail of Undead following me. Fifteen in total. I wonder how this World has interpreted the attributes of the Draugr... 

*Answer: The Skills Size-Change and Rotten Luck have been created to fit the characteristics of the Draugr. In addition, the Skill Ethereal Phase has been re-labeled from Unique(Yurei) to Unique(Undead)* 

Ah, they did change size, and could curse people with luck bad enough to cause death. Some were even able to walk through stone like it was nothing. I'm not noticing the stench of decay. I'm guessing since Undead live until killed, their bodies don't rot in this World. 


Draugr, the reanimated corpse of a greedy or jealous person. Usually haunting their graves, they sometimes also wandered around the countryside to prey upon anyone and anything that they came across. Their aquatic counterpart is the Gast; who, instead of bringing bad luck, could foretell death.

My plan is simple. Disguise the Draugr as captives, place them in the extra cart, and have them aid in the capture of the potential waylayers. 
I arrive back home. Fearful cries are quickly shushed as the captives notice my entourage. I mean, they look... less than friendly. 

Looking like the typical corpse, some of them have exposed teeth since their lips are gone. All of them possess an unhealthy pallor, a mix of bruised blues and milky white. A saggy, distended abdomen would give an impression of someone out of shape if it wasn't for the rippling muscles covering every inch of their bodies.

Also, they seem, for a lack of a better term; brain-dead? The Draugr from the fairytales would be straining against my control in order to attack the humanoids. These ones emit no thoughts that I can detect, and unless commanded, they stand or sit around, a vacant stare in their glassy eyes.

*These Draugr are formed of the corpses that were already in your Lair. As such, the Soul that would animate it is long since returned to the Cycle. They are little more than puppets for you to order around. This will of course not hold true for any newly formed Draugr, as the process would be properly completed then.*

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