Chapter 66 - The Heroes' Approach

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Seif Geistbane's POV
Somewhere in Harmek

I stare at the mass of metal placed in front of me. It looks more like one of the Ancient Golems that patrol the Ruins of my World than a functional set of armor. I half expect it to whir to life and attack me at any moment. 

"I- I'm supposed to wear this?" I sheepishly gesture towards the armor. "Indeed. It will aid you greatly in your fight against the Monarch. Go on, don it." The masked person nods eagerly. I'm unsure if it's the same person that was with the Queen on the day I was Summoned, as I've never heard their voice before now, even if they seemed to be talking to someone else.

I hesitantly approach the armor. It seems I need to step in here... 
Putting my feet into the boots of the armor seems to trigger something in the armor. It rises on its own, enveloping me in a hug of sorts. With several clicks and bursts of air, the armor locks in place around me.

[Initiating Startup...]
[Welcome, <Default_User>, to the Fully Automated Life Support Egis]
[To change Settings, please state the word: Settings.]

A voice echoes in my head, entirely distinct from the World's Voice, it seems entirely devoid of emotions, exuding a neutral indifference. 

"I-Is it meant to speak to me?" I ask, my voice oddly clear despite the fact my head is completely encased in metal. I try to move my arms around to have a look at them, and it feels as though I'm not wearing the armor at all with how easily I'm able to move around. 

"It is. This is the latest, most state of the art Photian War Armor. It will even move autonomously if the need arises." The masked person seems very proud of it. From what I remember of the very cursory introduction to this World I was given, the Photians are a species of humanoid that the others don't like very much, mostly because of their eagerness to go to war with others.

"Is it a kind of Golem?" I ask, uncertain if this World even have the same kinds of creatures as mine. "I... I don't know what that is, Hero. Please explain?" Their tone and intonation shifts, ever so slightly, but it's enough to make their voice sound like someone else entirely. I involuntarily shiver. 

"It's... Well, they come in many kinds, but they're essentially artificial creatures made by the Ancients to serve, performing heavy labor or extracting resources from hostile environments. Nowadays, they mostly aimlessly roam the Ruins of the Ancients, hunting down anything other than themselves." I explain.

"Do- do these 'Golems' have a Soul?" The masked person asks, oddly eager. 

"No. They do not." I reply, slightly disconcerted by the question. "How can you tell?" They tilt their head, almost childlike in their body-language. "Well, that's... a bit hard to explain, but essentially, they do not reward EXP when killed. Every other kind of monster in my World does, and it is widely accepted that EXP is a sort of energy released when the bond between the Soul and body is severed." I try to rub the back of my head, only to have metal clank against metal.

"Ah, I see. In that case, no, this isn't like a Golem. Now then." They shake their head and shrug. "Wha-" I'm about to ask, but I'm interrupted as the masked person throws me a short-sword. My body reacts on instincts that are new to me, grabbing the sword out of the air. "Defend thyself, Hero. A test!" 

The masked person launches themselves at me, their sleeves rolled up to reveal big, heavy gauntlets studded with spiked knuckles.

[Engaging Evasive Maneuver]

My legs kick back on their own accord, as if the armor's moving my body as well, and not just forcing my legs into position by its own movements. I'm glad though, as if that wasn't the case, any resistance I'd have to this sudden movement would easily dislocate joints or break bones.  

Landing out of reach of their swing, I spot a huge opening. Kicking off again, scuffing the floor and closing the distance between us in an instant, I bring the flat side of the sword down upon their back, forcing the masked person into a kneeling position. I quickly follow up by bringing the blade upon their neck, though I stop just short of making contact. 

"I... 'wheeze' I yield... Hero..." The masked person manages to hack forth, having their breath knocked from their lungs by the hit to their back. I lower the sword. "Are you hurt? I'm still not quite used to this strength..." I ask, concerned that I might have done some serious damage. 

"I-I'm fine..." The reply's a bit curt, as if they're annoyed that I'm worried about them; the masked person staggers to their feet, still heaving for breath. "Nothing fel- felt off about the movement?" They finally ask, having collected themselves somewhat.

"Other than that it's a bit weird to have the armor move on its own, nothing felt amiss." I hand back the short-sword. It's not quite to my tastes, I greatly prefer the halberd. "Hm, yes, that's common. Now, don't worry about taking it off or anything. It is designed to take care of everything, and simply wearing it will give you time to get used to it." They say as they lead me to the door, outside of which several people wait. 

Seven people look at me with awe as I exit the building in my new armor. Two women and five men, all of them donning black scale armor with capes of midnight blue. Elite warriors, the 'creme de la creme' of the Harmekian Army, they've been assigned as my escorts. 

Normally, a Hero takes to their Task at once, but I was delayed for seven days on the Queens order. "The Egis is wearable, with no modification, by nearly all the different kinds of humanoid," The masked person had explained, "Except Beastfolk and Minars. Their anatomy is too different. So the delay was mostly in order to modify the Egis for use by someone with ears and tail like yours."

But now, fully armored, I'm ready. I hope at least. My target, the Monarch, has been quiet these last few days after a big dip in strength. It seems to have recovered, though I wonder what would have tired out something like it to such a degree. I just hope it isn't something bigger and worse than them. 

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