Chapter 47 - Worries

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Somewhere in Yo'ud
A few days after Millibelle's fight with the Ancient Lindorm
As witnessed by the Divine

Prime Minister Kalim's brows furrow ever deeper as he reads the latest report from Harmek. Despite the public image of positive relations with them all, Kalim isn't so foolish as to not have ample amounts of spies within all bordering countries. 

Finishing the report, which details the recent movements of troops to near the tri-point border between Harmek, Parshura and Yo'ud, the human pours himself another glass of Ayo-juice. Its popularity is two-fold. The taste is delightful, and the juice changes color if other things are mixed into it, making Ayo-juice of the right color safe to drink without having someone test it beforehand. (~It's the same juice that Dervix and Millibelle drank in chapter 27~)

Confirming the correct color before mixing ice cubes, created via his own modified version of Hail Cannon, into it; changing the color from a light honey-gold to a transparent light yellow, he takes a sip before continuing the daily report reading.

Next, the usual cacophony of conflicting reports from Eyslef, where the political terrain shifts so quickly that even Kalim has issues keeping up. Currently, the Tideflows are in power, but that is expected to shift once winter comes, and the Accan troops are less effective. 

Oh, here is interesting news, Helcha Eaglecrown's taken ill. Soon as that old hag's out of the picture, surely reconciliation between the Eaglecrowns and Argenfeathers is a possibility. If those factions were to unite, the others would have no choice but to fall in line. 

Finishing his drink, Kalim rises to his feet and walks a few rounds around the room. A rut can be seen on the edge of the wall to wall carpet where his 'once-an-hour' walks have worn down the fibers. Despite his age of fifty-five, you wouldn't be able to tell by the way he looks and carries himself.

Reaching such an age is no easy feat in a land so hostile as Yo'ud. Shaped like a doughnut on account of the presence of Scal's, the Elder Dragon of Heat, Domain being in its center. The desert stretches past its borders, into Yo'ud, offsetting a lot of inhabitable land in the process.

Although not as vehemently hostile to life as the Ashe Wastes, the area surrounding Ignaliz's, the Elder Dragon of Fire, Domain, most all life in Yo'ud is forced to endure harsh sandstorms and sweltering heat.

The saving grace is the array of rivers making their way through the rest of the land, melted glaciers originating from Rhrimur's, the Elder Dragon of Cold, Domain far to the north. Several countries to the north of Yo'ud, in fact, rely on the rivers created by this melting water. 

Even when it is winter in the other countries, with snow and cold hampering operations of all sorts, Yo'ud retains its inhospitable heat, in fact, the freezing of the rivers upstream makes the heat even worse in the parts of the country normally cooled by them.

Winter is still several months away, but Kalim would love it if Harmek made a move before then. Most likely they will, considering the movements of their army. However, the recent birth of a Monarch means any hostility to Parshura would be met with its ire.

However Dervix managed to make it obey him, the events reported by Carmella Raposa make it clear that the Monarch is under his control. Oh, what Kalim wouldn't do for the same privileges! No longer would he have to thread on eggshells around either of the three countries! 

He gathers himself, and sits down, continuing to read the reports. He skims through the ones from the northern countries. Rarely is there anything going on there, as none of them have enough military power to be worth worrying over. All four countries have signed treaties with Yo'ud, before the time of Kalim's birth, that essentially amount to "We'll not bother you as long as you don't bother us, but we'll happily trade with you".

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