Chapter 73 - Demigod's Rebirth

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Shadow's POV

All at once, chaos breaks out. Once the light fades and I'm able to get to my feet again, I see Millibelle thrashing around on the floor. I-Is it too late? No- it has to be something else, I can still sense her. It's the Malice itself, enacting one final spasm in an attempt to avoid its fate. 

It seems to have control of the most Degraded limbs, using them to swing at the shell-shocked Vir'ava. If one of those swings connect, perhaps even just a grazing blow, the Vir'ava will be torn apart from the force. 

I sprint towards them, as each swing the Malice takes makes Millibelle's body inch closer towards the Vir'ava, who seems too shocked to move out of the way. I call upon the Draugr. If nothing else, they're disposable meat-shields, and I realize I need one of their Skills. 

Just as the Malice-laden arm is about to sever Vir'avas head from her body, I manage to knock her out of the way, taking the full brunt of the impact. My small and light body is sent flying into a wall. The world spins as I try to get back up. 

"Leave! Now!" I Command the Vir'ava. Taking a hesitant step backwards, the effect of the Spell fully kicks in, and she turns around and flees.

My body is giving out on me. The abuse I put it through when making the Divine Spring without recovering my MP enough... It's really coming back to bite me in the ass, huh. Already, I can feel my features lose definition as my body starts to break down into sludge.

A Draugr emerges from the cave wall, having used its Ethereal Phase to get here quickly. Just in time, it throws itself at the Degraded arm aiming to deal the finishing blow to me. A deep gash is made in the cave wall just inches from my face. 

In retaliation, the Draugr is dealt with swiftly. Its body is squashed into a fine puree by an overhead swing, but its sacrifice will not be in wain.

Focusing all my willpower, I force my body to move even as every part of me cries out in pain. I swell in size, becoming large enough to leverage my weight against Her. My goal is to somehow shove her into the Divine Spring. A tight grip is kept on the Degraded arm, to keep it from getting loose and finishing me off.

The Malice resists, and I can feel it try to leap hosts, to also infect my body. One meter, two meters... I slowly make headway.

Just then, the arm I had managed to restrain previously slips out of my grasp. Time seems to slow down as I watch it descend upon my neck.

"Millibelle! Wake UP!"

My view goes black as the HP of the Body Double is reduced to zero.

As Witnessed by the Divine

The Elder Oak was, at one point, just another Elder Oak. One of countless specimens of its species that grew across the World. Like all plants, it was ostensibly alive, but lacked a Soul. Therefore, it had no will of its own.

That changed once the Monarch, Millibelle, made her home beneath its roots. The influx of Magic in the area, and the closeness to its source started to slowly change the very nature of this Elder Oak.

Once the World Event happened, and the Lair became a fully fledged Domain, with the Elder Oak still at the center, that nature changed again. Growing beyond the normal limits of its species, it very much became something more than just a tree.

Now, with the final addition of a Divine Spring amidst its roots, the final piece was in place for a grand happening.

*Starting World Event: Demigod Rebirth: Plant*

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